opinions please. my cat got at my plant, is she a lost cause or can i save her?


hey guys, this is my first grow and its been a little rocky so far. i had just transplanted my plants 2 days ago and they seemed to be taking to their new home well. and then this happened. i came home from work today to find two lower fan leaves broken off right at the the base of the main stem, and several of the upper canopy leaves damaged as well as the newest node. my plant was leaning at a 45 degree angle and looking very rough. im afraid that the shock from transplant and this might kill her. has anything like this ever happened to anyone? is there anything i can do to help her? ive propped her upright again and said a little prayer. hope she makes it


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polo the don

Well-Known Member
hey guys, this is my first grow and its been a little rocky so far. i had just transplanted my plants 2 days ago and they seemed to be taking to their new home well. and then this happened. i came home from work today to find two lower fan leaves broken off right at the the base of the main stem, and several of the upper canopy leaves damaged as well as the newest node. my plant was leaning at a 45 degree angle and looking very rough. im afraid that the shock from transplant and this might kill her. has anything like this ever happened to anyone? is there anything i can do to help her? ive propped her upright again and said a little prayer. hope she makes it
Looks like Fluffy topped it for you. It'll be fine. Cannabis is an amazingly resilient species. As long as it has leaves that bitch will grow. You can expect two or four now tops instead of just one. Some growers do that on purpose for more tops. Don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah this happens alot with people with cats or roommates who try and make it seem like a cat did and only want a clone

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol bitch is a fiend man, i left the door to the room cracked for better air circulation and she let herself in
Exactly ;-) your grow cab is not even optimised to the point that to give them what they need, you have to risk your cat getting in there and eating it. If you have to keep the door cracked open, then you're doing it wrong.


Exactly ;-) your grow cab is not even optimised to the point that to give them what they need, you have to risk your cat getting in there and eating it. If you have to keep the door cracked open, then you're doing it wrong.
point taken, ill consider that in the future. for now though this will have to do. constructive criticism is always appreciated.


Active Member
I wouldn't say wrong buddy, you're working within your means, just because you don't have daddys money or a good job to buy all the "right" shit, doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. Your plant will be fine, teach that pussy a lesson and make it learn to stay the hell out of that cab.

On another note. She looks GREAT! You're doing fine my friend! These plants are resilient. And shell prolly respond pretty hardcore to the little bit of stress your kitty gave her.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, this is my first grow and its been a little rocky so far. i had just transplanted my plants 2 days ago and they seemed to be taking to their new home well. and then this happened. i came home from work today to find two lower fan leaves broken off right at the the base of the main stem, and several of the upper canopy leaves damaged as well as the newest node. my plant was leaning at a 45 degree angle and looking very rough. im afraid that the shock from transplant and this might kill her. has anything like this ever happened to anyone? is there anything i can do to help her? ive propped her upright again and said a little prayer. hope she makes it
From the title of the thread, I thought you were going to euthanize the cat