Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Love the air layering method and will be doing this from now on. Will be doing them just like Tek is doing and taking them while they're a couple weeks in flower so they will be huge and already monster cropped. Keeps from having to have mothers around and will speed the grows up by already have a big clone.


Well-Known Member
I stopped spraying that branch. She has grown new pistils back where they receded, but it looks like there may be a few clusters starting. Not positive yet. The super haze is producing the buds very slowly and a lot of the tops are very close to my cool tube. I would say 5" at most and there is no more room to raise the light. Not sure how this is going to affect the production, but I know its slow(but that could be the long flowering sativa) and the leaves are bleached on top and some our dying out.

Eh, it doesn't look bad, just spotty dead leaves and bleaching on the very top. Not to bad and its producing pretty well.


Well-Known Member
JDP both have taken off after the flip
neither will be very large or yield well from the looks of it
rest are doing good
i have a male about to pop it was the fastest out of the bunch started stacking flowers on 16/8 and pretty much went full flower on 14/10
if for some reason your CS doesnt work out let me know
i was gifted 3 of the super lemon hazes so im going to do a 12/12 from seed fem run
and running a couple akr's for fem seed's too
ended up with 6 keeper females
and 3 males
plus the mid and the 2 jdp's ( female )and i popped one of the supposed g13xkosher kush's ( im assuming it is what he said it was i only popped one and its female he said he let one run too long and got a handful of seeds out of like 8 plants ) i got from this old hippy i know in H town
its beginning to flower as well
mid is looking good no issues with it female also


Well-Known Member
CS worked. I can see the actual pollen sacks forming on both Hercules and super haze. Now I need to figure out if I can put a bag over top of the branches to catch the pollen?

Got any ideas? I don't know if it will hurt the plant or kill that branch if I cover it with a bag.


Well-Known Member
Super haze branch in baggie.

Purple monkey lower branch DSCN7592.jpg

Super haze (Very tall) Look to the right, you can see where if it wasn't so close to the light the buds would be bigger and not bleached. DSCN7575.jpg

Purple Monkey main top DSCN7605.jpg

Super haze lower bud DSCN7582.jpg


Well-Known Member
Had to go way back in this thread to figure out when I flipped for 12/12 to see how much longer I'm looking at for Hercules(bagseed). I've come to the conclusion at minimum I have until 10/01/14 for 8 weeks of flower. So I have at least another 3 weeks before I can even debate on chopping her down.
She also is growing pollen sacks where I sprayed and I have it covered with a bag. I wont be able to use the pollen this round but next I will.

Super haze is producing pollen sacks as well and I should be able to pollinate the haze and the monkey with it and still be able to get viable seeds.

As of yet there is no bananas on the PM and she smells very nice and has purple all in it along with some pink. I think the bananas appeared a lot closer to harvest though so I'll still keep a close eye on it.


Well-Known Member
In other news: I have officially pissed off my math professor. LoL
She has decided that grading my papers would be more pleasant for her if she marks off for stupid shit, like not putting a space between the answer for truth tables. I put down TTFF and she wanted it T T F F. So therefor it was wrong to her.

This all started when she wrote me an email saying that I was required to participate in the discussions and that I didn't choose one rule in her syllabus that I found important. So being the smart ass that I am I looked through her syllabus once more and found a sentence that stated that discussions are not graded.

I decided it would be a good idea to put into the discussion area that I find it interesting that we are "required" to participate in the discussions but they are not graded.

She went on the defense after that post saying that even though its not graded she "recommends" that we participate cause it could possible help us with the assignments. LoL

No one has discussed anything since I posted that and I keep getting marked off for stupid things that shouldn't be marked as wrong. Oh well. I'm only planning on doing the bare minimum and pass it with a D. My calculations tell me that I will still graduate with honors if I pass this class with a D. haha.

Jokes on her, fucking prude.


Well-Known Member
Had to go way back in this thread to figure out when I flipped for 12/12 to see how much longer I'm looking at for Hercules(bagseed). I've come to the conclusion at minimum I have until 10/01/14 for 8 weeks of flower. So I have at least another 3 weeks before I can even debate on chopping her down.
She also is growing pollen sacks where I sprayed and I have it covered with a bag. I wont be able to use the pollen this round but next I will.

Super haze is producing pollen sacks as well and I should be able to pollinate the haze and the monkey with it and still be able to get viable seeds.

As of yet there is no bananas on the PM and she smells very nice and has purple all in it along with some pink. I think the bananas appeared a lot closer to harvest though so I'll still keep a close eye on it.
Glad to hear no banners!! Wassup Sgt? Long time Glad you got your classes going :)


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear no banners!! Wassup Sgt? Long time Glad you got your classes going :)
So far so good. She smells pretty nice. Cant really describe the smell. Its not pine, its not dank. It is a very odd but wonderful smelling plant, just need to wait I guess to pinpoint the actual smell.

She is also growing very well in the small container I have her in and she will get some pollen before too long and I'll get a cross. It doesn't look like it will shoot any nanners, but only time will tale. She is one frosty bitch though so that is good and she has at minimum another 4 weeks. I'm sure the smoke will be good as well by looking at her and it will be even better when I cross it with a sativa.


Well-Known Member
So far so good. She smells pretty nice. Cant really describe the smell. Its not pine, its not dank. It is a very odd but wonderful smelling plant, just need to wait I guess to pinpoint the actual smell.

She is also growing very well in the small container I have her in and she will get some pollen before too long and I'll get a cross. It doesn't look like it will shoot any nanners, but only time will tale. She is one frosty bitch though so that is good and she has at minimum another 4 weeks. I'm sure the smoke will be good as well by looking at her and it will be even better when I cross it with a sativa.
Well that's truly awesome, let's hope smooth sailing on her finishing ;). What strain you thinking of crossing with her?