Marijuana and working??


Well-Known Member
I respect you Socata, you usually make a lot of sense. Not this time.
I respect ya too man but it did sound like something I'd hear from a cop, "You're just smoking to get high", is what I took it as, and is what I think you meant by it. When a person smokes for stress or for whatever reason other than to just get high for recreational purposes, they are then using medicine. I use it for my ADHD, if I was a teacher I'd certainly get high before class so that my thought will be clear and focused. I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way, your turn. :blsmoke::peace:


Active Member
haha, i used to get high all the time when i worked at quiznos. slow but surely, i made the BEST sandwiches. :D


Well-Known Member
I respect ya too man but it did sound like something I'd hear from a cop, "You're just smoking to get high", is what I took it as, and is what I think you meant by it. When a person smokes for stress or for whatever reason other than to just get high for recreational purposes, they are then using medicine. I use it for my ADHD, if I was a teacher I'd certainly get high before class so that my thought will be clear and focused. I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way, your turn. :blsmoke::peace:
I see your point now. That was not my intention to imply that all cannabis users are druggies.

Cannabis is an herb for sure. An herb containing THC, a drug. A drug which can be used medicinally and recreationally. Like any drug, it can be abused.

I suppose what I was trying to say was: How can we expect be taken seriously if we refuse to acknowledge common guidelines for responsible use? :peace:
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Active Member
i run a decent size hog farm and row crop farm and i can smoke on the job if i choose to. i dont wake up and get high because i start work atleast at 7am and getting high too early causes me to be very tired and "out of it" past lunch time. doing the whole buisiness part on the other hand is very hard to do while stoned. u just gotta no when is appropriate. during harvest when im just sitting in a tractor haulin corn i smoke all day. and when i mow ditches is the same. but if i had to go to a meeting or deal with all the buisiness end i find myself loosing my train of thought very easily. just my 2c. more pork


Well-Known Member
Thank you, Private Ambiguity.

What's obvious? In your original post, you write of smoking on the job like it's no big deal.
Why come into the thread to lecture? This is if you haven't noticed. Don't post if you get mad about people smoking before work because people do it all the time, I'm working part time while I'm in college, not exactly high pressure work.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with a stoned preschool teacher? less likely to abuse the kids verbally and more likely to be patient them and mellow. the kids cant tell, i used to get baked before my daycare job, and even before i was an elderly caregiver
hahahahaha o man that one had me dying. Not you personally, but I can picutre an uptight angry son of a bitch yelling at some little kids then going to burn one during "recess" and being all mellow.


Well-Known Member
Why come into the thread to lecture? This is if you haven't noticed. Don't post if you get mad about people smoking before work because people do it all the time, I'm working part time while I'm in college, not exactly high pressure work.
Nobody got mad.

I will express my opinion and I do not require your consent, thank you very much.


Active Member
well i would say it doesnt go together...for both school and work...i would smoke when i was in colunary school with another paitent and it would be ok just had to watch out for the dangerous that im just working i rarely go to work medicated cuz its like dang u cant fuck up a makes everything taste a lil bettah in my case but it is very irrespossible.


Well-Known Member
What if you're the business owner, and only employee? That was me for about 15 years, and I gave myself permission to smoke if I felt like it. Heck, I didn't even snoop on my own email. I was a good boss. I should write myself a recommendation letter; I deserve it! ;)


Well-Known Member
I get high before work but im arthritic and am on my feet for 12 hours,plus my job doesn't take a genius just a decent eye and a passable im not fucking around face.:blsmoke:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have a unique situation. I do not smoke b4 work, but I will take a maintenence doses b4 on a bad pain day. I was disabled after being hit head on by a drunk driver 20 years ago. My Boss was aware of my situation b4 I was hired and is always happy with my performance. I work by myself in my own personal office. It is a lovely situation and is much better and more rewarding than just collecting a disability check.
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Well-Known Member
My wife smokes before work every morning. I don't, I find it makes me too relaxed to be of any service. I just end up wanting to go home right after i've walked in the door. I can wait until I get home to roll up.


Well-Known Member
I got high be4 work once and it was pretty scary. Coz i thought all my employer was looking at were my eyes so I got really paranoid and tried to keep em open. Deffinately never doing that again. I must say though, that day went super fast for me. Every time i get home first I have dinner then lay out all my munchies and then get on it. Surprisingly im not a fat cunt, lol


Well-Known Member
^^ lol

Actually since I started this thread I thought I should make a note that I can't smoke for like 3 months because Iam going to be doing this internship which is really competitive and could lead to a good job.... so basically the first 2 days without pot have been pretty tough but I'll get better as teh time passes