Club 600


Well-Known Member
I saw some inexpensive bubble bags on ebay are they worth buying?
I'm tired of making butter and I just have too much trim this grow.
And is there any difficulty making bubble hash? it sounds pretty straight
forward. What mesh size should I look for?


Well-Known Member
Thurs. might be a killing frost they say. Global warming?
My thoughts exactly. This year we broke just about every low possible, winter and summer. I LOVE NY, imagine the man that got rich of this sarcastic statement. This lovely state paid him millions, when they should have been taking care of people like you. My kids grandpa worked for the state forestry department from 18-65 and after being retired for 5 years they cut his retirement check. We do have some of the most beautiful unknown places in the US. I love the drive on highway 10 between 17 and 86 in the watershed for NYC. If I'm not wrong thats not far from your neck of the woods, and Alpha probably knows it too.


Well-Known Member
The first time I cloned was in cups of water and always had a decent amount root, I've never tried the coco before. I was rooting all of my spider plants in cups of water all year, I put 3 clones in water the other day, all 3 stem rot :( nothing is working atm I still don't get it. But I bought some root riot plugs, so if my mother plants start producing some new tops in the near future I'll give that shot. Also just bought a Aero cloner manifold on eBay. I used to use ez cloner a lot so hopefully one of these methods work :(

I ran my other bubble cloner through the dishwasher again and then bleached it, cut new air lines for the air stones , fresh new ro water and added the clear rez solution. Re cut the stems. I dunno :( I may have to just buy some clones from the dispensary, they have like 20 strains now but I really wanted these strains I bought as seeds, I can get clones up the wazoo, but it's only what they have available grrrr


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly. This year we broke just about every low possible, winter and summer. I LOVE NY, imagine the man that got rich of this sarcastic statement. This lovely state paid him millions, when they should have been taking care of people like you. My kids grandpa worked for the state forestry department from 18-65 and after being retired for 5 years they cut his retirement check. We do have some of the most beautiful unknown places in the US. I love the drive on highway 10 between 17 and 86 in the watershed for NYC. If I'm not wrong thats not far from your neck of the woods, and Alpha probably knows it too.
Just down the road, I fish at Pepacton Res. for browns it's about 11/2 hrs.
I was 4 years short of my 30 and my spine blew up so they gave me the grand total
of 14% in stead of 60% of my salary, and I'm supposed to live on it!
You don't know how many of those f'in logos I've had to print! every one hurt.
I love NY my ass!!!
One of my favorite spots to go is down the east branch of the Delaware River
on rt.30 nice country. Last year I took my nephew from MD. up through the high
peaks, he fell in love with it.


Well-Known Member
I have used willow many a times over the years. The tea is great also for watering new clones as well. Lots of auxins in the tea. And for rooting IBA - indolebutyric acid and salycilic acid. Best to use the new hairy growth tips on the branches.

And I have a tomato cut at this moment sitting in a cup of water with roots galore! Saying that. I just scrapped all my MJ clones due to larvae in the cubes.....ffs. Maybe back to the basics for me. We have lots of Willow trees and it's always fun getting watched by a curious passer by as you pull branches off them:)


Well-Known Member
Well I found the cause of the couple pips.i have found....

Was that og larry throwing out nanners but there is no pips in that when chopped for wax will go through it propaly when dry.....
Havnt found any more pips either and with me having everything out and back in can't find the 2 I noticed the pips in so can't be that bad couple pics day 52
Extrema IMG_20140917_081324.jpgIMG_20140917_081331.jpg

Hps side that might come down this weekend IMG_20140917_082540.jpg

Mh side I gona leave longer and the couple new ones in 2 been in 9 days and 1 just yesterday


Well-Known Member
I saw some inexpensive bubble bags on ebay are they worth buying?
I'm tired of making butter and I just have too much trim this grow.
And is there any difficulty making bubble hash? it sounds pretty straight
forward. What mesh size should I look for?
I have one of the gro1 cheap sets that while you can get ok bubble from it its a nothing I would recomend. I would say you are better off buying (if you can find) a nicer name brand 3 bag set or just get a cheap work bag 220 mesh because that's not important. quality bag i would get for the 90 and 73 micron and a 45 if you like. I personally would rather blast it but thats more so because of ease. I was amazed how much work goes into processing one plant in bags so hats off to you guys that do it on the regular.
Have you ever tried water cloning? Works very well no need for gels/powders or solutions. Most people don't know the key to success with cloning. The key is very low light on clones. Daylight from outside or a small watt cfl at least 20" away. If there's too much light on clones they will try to synthesize and once they do that, they need food to live and most don't feed clones so they will eat themselves to live. Very low light and they will stay green. Mrs is mad with mee now cus I have two clones sitting in a cup of water in the kitchen lol. It sits by the window where some sun shines in but the blinds are closed so its very light and then its lit by small cfl we have that stay on for light. They will root in 2-3 and will be green. Peace
I have I guess accidentally tried it by forgetting about a cup of shoots before. But I never have intentionally though it made for a healthy cutting.

One day I wanna try the tech. where you wrap a little soil around a shoot after scarring and root it right on the plant.
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