Couple thing I have found out the hard way, is the 3% H202 is pretty much useless for sterilizing, and especially useless for getting roots cleaned of the brown slime that I would sometimes get in my hydro grows (before I learned more about Beneficial's).
And, once you get the brown slime started, if you don't get it controlled quickly, the bacteria will eventually spread to every plant and surface, especially tools, you have. Thus, making it easier to spread. The longer it goes, the harder it is to get clear of. Keeping in mind- this has only been my personal experiences w/ hydro, and have since changed over to soil.
Get the 27-29% from your local hydro store, or online. I used it for a good while in dwc hydro (I'll probably draw some fire for admitting that), at the rate of 3ml - 5ml per gal, and would keep my roots pearly white. But it reeks havoc on the benefits of organics, plus kills any beneficial bacteria you may have started in your res. And I have been fortunate enough to have it clear up brown slime that had already started on the roots (if I caught it in time), by using a cup to scoop and pour the solution over/thru the media, bathing the roots 2 or 3 times a day.
Often, it would work, other times- not. But the plants do love the extra oxygen.
Should mention- h2o2 (in use) looses effectiveness after a few days. After it sheds its extra oxygen molecule, it becomes h2o
Though I no longer use it for hydro, I do use it (20ml in 1 quart of water) to sterilize my stuff- containers, scissors, surfaces- everything. I mix it up, put it in a spray bottle, and get after it! Every little nook and cranny.
So far, it's kept all of the bad stuff away.
I haven't used one (aero cloner), so I'm not sure how it would react with your nute solution in the res (may adversely effect their benefit? idk), but you could use a light (3ml/gal) in the res to try it and see. But I would DEF use a strong mix to clean and sterilize the unit- all of it, inside and out! I always boiled my air stones for about 15 minutes AND soaked them in the h2o2 solution, or replaced them, as I always did with my hoses- they're cheap.
I use Rapid Rooters, with RO water- always ph'd to 5.8- 6.0, humidity dome, and a heat mat. That's it. I get roots within 7-10 days. I know there are others with faster root times, but I stick with what works for me. When my moms are healthy- 100% root rate!
Hope this might help w your quest!