Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs


Well-Known Member
No I don't. I disagree with UncleBuck often, never call him stupid or a liar...hmm

I have been disagreeing with Heckler quite a bit lately, again never called him stupid or a liar...

Nope, I call Ginwilly a liar and most certainly stupid and I call you the same.

I wonder what the difference is...
I treat people the way they treat me. I notice the e-tough guys like you who like to belittle others can't take the same back without meltdowns. I also understand you do it out of a lack of self-esteem, but I don't care about your esteem if you are being a dick.

Over 800 applicants for 25 positions for my masters. I'm certainly not stupid. I may be ignorant of a lot of things, but at least I realize that. You don't as you evidence daily. Shall we rehash rhetorical again while you are calling me stupid?

All you have to do is be decent.


Well-Known Member
I call Desert Dude and Dr Kynes stupid liars.

I often disagree with Padawanbater2, never call him stupid or a liar.

Starting to see a pattern here. I only seem to call conservatives stupid.

I even posted two peer reviewed scientific studies to back this claim.


Well-Known Member
I call Desert Dude and Dr Kynes stupid liars.

I often disagree with Padawanbater2, never call him stupid or a liar.

Starting to see a pattern here. I only seem to call conservatives stupid.

I even posted two peer reviewed scientific studies to back this claim.
Yes, I notice the people you agree with for the most part you leave untouched and debate decently with them when you do disagree. Those of us who are against the nanny feel your wrath in every post.

You just aren't very nice to those of us who support you.


Well-Known Member
when the government sets a price floor to keep your crop worth planting, pays you $18 an acre to cover your losses, and pays for you to leave fields fallow, that is called welfare for farmers.
Cover my losses? You mean like insurance? Did you know I have to pay for insurance? Didjyaknowit?

They do pay me to leave fields fallow for LONG periods ( 20 years or so), but that's so wildlife have a place to live. I know how much you are against wildlife and nature and all, but as a farmer they help me make a living.

But none of this would have happened if you hadn't asked for it to happen. Its your fault.


Well-Known Member
I treat people the way they treat me.
no you don't, you are a bigoted, misogynistic, racist dick.

I notice the e-tough guys like you who like to belittle others can't take the same back without meltdowns.
says the turd who threatened the FBI on me because i joined a poker website.

I also understand you do it out of a lack of self-esteem, but I don't care about your esteem if you are being a dick.

Over 800 applicants for 25 positions for my masters. I'm certainly not stupid.
at this point, you are only trying to convince yourself.

and yes, you are really fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is be decent.
like desert dude?

i notice you're really buddy buddy with him, even going so far as to help excuse his membership in a white nationalist group.

that kind of decent?

or maybe it is more in the way you leave echelon alone, despite all the holocaust denial and nastiness.

that kind of decent?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I notice the people you agree with for the most part you leave untouched and debate decently with them when you do disagree. Those of us who are against the nanny feel your wrath in every post.

You just aren't very nice to those of us who support you.
No, I call you a liar because you you're dishonest. Like when you make a claim and then I understand it clearly, but then you swear you didn't make it, but then vehemently defend the claim you swore you didn't make. I call you stupid because you call me crazy and mentally unstable because I'm a combat veteran and I call you racist because you say things like "evolve from the neck up" displaying a belief in phrenology. Then I call you stupid again because you think it is possible for me to be cordial to a racist lying idiot like you.


Well-Known Member
No, I call you a liar because you you're dishonest. Like when you make a claim and then I understand it clearly, but then you swear you didn't make it, but then vehemently defend the claim you swore you didn't make.
kinda like the way he went on and on and on against civil rights, and then turned around and tried to tell us that he supports civil rights.


Well-Known Member
No, I call you a liar because you you're dishonest. Like when you make a claim and then I understand it clearly, but then you swear you didn't make it, but then vehemently defend the claim you swore you didn't make. I call you stupid because you call me crazy and mentally unstable because I'm a combat veteran and I call you racist because you say things like "evolve from the neck up" displaying a belief in phrenology. Then I call you stupid again because you think it is possible for me to be cordial to a racist lying idiot like you.
Here's a thought. Maybe when you tell someone what they say isn't really what they mean, it's you who's not understanding or being honest.

Care to translate this into to something else? You know you can, do and will again.


Well-Known Member
kinda like the way he went on and on and on against civil rights, and then turned around and tried to tell us that he supports civil rights.
Look AC. Buck is here agreeing with you. If that doesn't give you pause, nothing will. He's universally known here as the biggest liar on the site. If you have Buck in your corner, you are obviously in the wrong corner.


Well-Known Member
No, you lie about people who tell the truth about you, like when I call you a stupid racist liar and you call me crazy.
So you are stating fact when you say that? Or would you call that opinion?

The cool thing is, I have a life outside of this forum where I'm not called those names and not associated with people who think like you.

You have a dude in your corner whose life IS this forum and goes to great lengths to belittle people. If you think he's helping your cause at all, you would be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Look AC. Buck is here agreeing with you. If that doesn't give you pause, nothing will. He's universally known here as the biggest liar on the site. If you have Buck in your corner, you are obviously in the wrong corner.

I am FOR civil rights and equality for all
Why do we need title II Uncle Bigot?
there's also a case to be made for desert dude, who denied his membership in the white nationalists group (you helped him do that) for months before i dug up the quote where he admitted being a member.

but he's "decent" according to your standards. a white nationalist. decent.

you're just like all the other racists who get mad at me for shitting down the throats of racists.


Well-Known Member
he's got you pegged, two face.
You are showing your ignorance again. Title II is a part of civil rights, not civil rights. I DO believe in equality. So much so that I think laws for some and not others retard that equality. You disagree that all of us can exist under equal laws and call me racist for it. Odd.

Nice edit btw. Tell us again how you know I wasn't part of that group, who joined, who quit, who rejoined, who received invitation while saying you weren't part of making it. You have nobody fooled.


Well-Known Member
I am not giving an opinion on this, just going to state my personal experience.
Some of you may know, or have seen me mention a time or two, I do work for the health department in one of the considered worst cities in America. A very large portion of my life is spent in what is considered some of the most violent and neglected communities in America.

Every single day I am approached by people. Sometimes they ask for a cigarette. Sometimes they ask for change. Sometimes they ask for a ride, or to use a cell phone, or tool, or whatever. On average of 3 times a year I am asked if I have any work available. After a week or so of working every day in their house they become accustomed to me and really start opening up. You seriously wouldn't believe the types of things I hear on a regular basis. When a job is brought up 24 out of 25 times it is to say how they "ain't never gonna get no job".