Don't lose your head, convert to Islam

The problem with this argument is that a term for the white equivalent doesn't exist. That's why you're racist.

I'm trying to think and I can't come up with any other race that has term as inflammatory. I got called wop a lot growing up. That doesn't even sting a little. Call myself that sometimes even.

Maybe Natzi? I don't think so but it's probably second.
The problem with this argument is that a term for the white equivalent doesn't exist. That's why you're racist.

Yes....... yes there is

Theres a difference between a blue collar and a white collar

And yes im racist against people who are racist against me

But if you have ever been to a hammer rally then you whould understand what REAL racism is
Yes....... yes there is

Theres a difference between a blue collar and a white collar

And yes im racist against people who are racist against me

But if you have ever been to a hammer rally then you whould understand what REAL racism is

I'm half black and my half Mexican buddy's Mexican mom was dating a guy in Klan when we were in jr high. True story. He didn't seem to mind us or dating her. He said it was just a bunch of guys hanging out drinking beer. That's Texas, folks.
What about Christians who proselytize for Christianity, or Mormons who go on missions to recruit people to Mormonism?
Don't compare someone who stabs women and beheads a defenseless female co-worker in the name of islam to someone who is only talking about religion. If you can't figure it out - death is the difference.
I know this is going to piss off some of you conservatives (sorry I shoud have said Liberal) but now is the time to BAN assualt knifes


these knifes are out of control and not needed for protection or hunting


there is only one thing that a knife like this is used for
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I think you mean libs, don't you? They seem to be the ones leading the charge against the good citizens of the this country from owning them. I mean just ask Babs Boxer.
I know this is going to piss off some of you conservatives (sorry I shoud have said Liberal) but now is the time to BAN assualt knifes


these knifes are out of control and not needed for protection or hunting


there is only one thing that a knife like this is used for
That second pic is beyond epic.
Not offensive to whom?

On the offensive scale they don't register as high today.

To me, the word that compares on the offensive scale is cunt. Not to a race, just as a word.

It's just personal opinion though green, I have no special powers to determine what is offensive to another.
Opinion is correct, I personally find it offensive just like a nigger finds it offensive to be called a nigger.

I'll promise not to call you those names then.

I try not to get offended too much by name calling, but it happens. Words only have power if we let them. Sometimes I let them, mostly I don't.

I do think we've gone overboard in this politically correct world. Especially when it comes to sports teams.

Eastern Michigan Univ used to be called the Hurons. It was local tribe from the area known as Huron county, that runs along the Huron river. Lake Huron was named after them. There are no living descendents yet the school was sued and had to change their name because it offended some white people. Really?

I think some people search out reasons to be offended.
I'll promise not to call you those names then.

I try not to get offended too much by name calling, but it happens. Words only have power if we let them. Sometimes I let them, mostly I don't.

I do think we've gone overboard in this politically correct world. Especially when it comes to sports teams.

Eastern Michigan Univ used to be called the Hurons. It was local tribe from the area known as Huron county, that runs along the Huron river. Lake Huron was named after them. There are no living descendents yet the school was sued and had to change their name because it offended some white people. Really?

I think some people search out reasons to be offended.
With people like Buck, I'd say that confirms your hypothesis.

I wonder when they'll be forced to rename the African country Niger...