Don't lose your head, convert to Islam

Well it's sort of a logical proposition, similar to a math equation, there can really only be one right answer and I only see two possibilities, as they're both definitive.

Just like 2+2 only has one right answer, the question of "Does God exist?" can only possibly have one right answer, too, right?

There are two positions to take, "yes, God does exist" = theist, and "no, God does not exist" = atheist. There can be no middle ground unless you decide not to take a position on said question, in that case you would be an agnostic = "I don't know if God exists"

I'm an agnostic atheist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does not exist".

You could be an agnostic theist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does exist".

A gnostic atheist = "I know God does not exist and I believe God does not exist".

A gnostic theist = "I know God does exist and I believe God does exist".

So it all depends on what you know and what you believe. Gnosticism deals with knowledge, atheism deals with belief.

So what do you know, and what do you believe?

I think what he's trying to tell you is that anyone who figures they know for a fact what the truth is is not a very intelligent person. And he would be accurate.
They don't execute anybody "in the name of atheism". They execute people, as was already mentioned, because they see religious activity as a potential challenge to the leadership.

It's about power, not religion.

That's your interpretation of the OT & NT. For example, references to homosexuality are exclusively in the OT, why then do modern day Christians oppose gay rights? According to you the NT "abrogated the OT"..

If modern Christians are going to oppose things exclusively in the OT, they have to accept the violence that comes with the rest of it.
But you're claiming Hitler executed the Jews because he was Catholic.

In reality he had a catholic background.

So when a christian does something bad it's faith.

And you make excuses for atheists.

Got it.
the lack of belief in a god.also entails a lack of belief in right and wrong, meaning it can lead to even the most horrific actions.

The lack of a belief in an imaginary being does not mean you lack morals.

In my own experience, it's quite the contrary, most atheists have a much higher standard of morality than theists
Uh, you obviously missed out on Communism and the violent push of ideals as well as slaughter of millions that came with it.

You might want to read a book called The Authoritarians. It explains the how and why people in groups often behave awfully and also the motivations of those who control those groups. And it's rarely religious, although followers often are.

The anti Islam rhetoric that gets spewed constantly is disgusting. It is a peaceful religion as much as any religion is peaceful. All religions have nut jobs who have hijacked selective religious quotes and regional events to seize power and do awful things. And it's not just religious folks who are capable of this either.

Quite frankly what I see today regarding Islam from folks I don't imagine is a whole lot different than circa 30's Germany and all the anti Jewish propaganda. And it's really fucking scary.

Like I said, none of that was specifically because people were religious. It was because religion threatened the power structure. There isn't a single case in history where an atheist leader/army murdered millions of people because they were atheist and the population wasn't, it's never happened.

But you're claiming Hitler executed the Jews because he was Catholic.

In reality he had a catholic background.

So when a christian does something bad it's faith.

And you make excuses for atheists.

Got it.

I didn't say Hitler executed the Jews because he was Catholic. I said he used religion as a justification for murdering Jews, and the German population at large turned a blind eye because they were religious.

Jews were not seen as human to the population, this is the only way such atrocities could have taken place.
[QUOTE Padawanbater2, post: 10941649, member: 232653"]

I didn't say Hitler executed the Jews because he was Catholic. I said he used religion as a justification for murdering Jews, and the German population at large turned a blind eye because they were religious.

Jews were not seen as human to the population, this is the only way such atrocities could have taken place.
Doing it in the name of, and using it for an excuse sounds like a distinction without a difference.
Like I said, none of that was specifically because people were religious. It was because religion threatened the power structure. There isn't a single case in history where an atheist leader/army murdered millions of people because they were atheist and the population wasn't, it's never happened.

I didn't say Hitler executed the Jews because he was Catholic. I said he used religion as a justification for murdering Jews, and the German population at large turned a blind eye because they were religious.

Jews were not seen as human to the population, this is the only way such atrocities could have taken place.
Once again, Stalin.
Uncle Bucks wife is quoted as saying he is "selfish"...
