Well-Known Member
Also, how much do you think average CEO pay is today?
We keep voting for policies and politicians that have increased wealth disparity to levels not seen since the great crash.
i know!
some people even want to elect so-called "libertarians" like rawn pawl, who would make the situation a million times more disparate.
i know!
some people even want to elect so-called "libertarians" like rawn pawl, who would make the situation a million times more disparate.
I'll try to tone down my mockery of him if we get a serious discussion going.Seriously don't start with that shit Buck
Seriously don't start with that shit Buck
Seriously don't start with that shit Buck
Wow, this shows your complete lack of understanding of what the Fed is doing. What the bailouts of wall street did...
Now I remember why I can't take anything you say seriously.
And so the envy, greed, jealousy and hypocrisy of the left is revealed again.
I repeat as I've repeated before, you have NO right to discuss the pay of others.
You're not a shareholder, you're not on the Board.
I don't tell people I think all bedrooms should be white so I'm gonna fucking moan at everyone until everyone suits me and paints their bedroom white, its none of my business what colour you paint your house, just as its none of your business what a Corporation pays its CEO.
Padawan, you getting jealous of the McDonalds CEO because you as a fry cook think you "deserve" close to what he gets?
How can they steal from their employees?This shows the level of ignorance most have towards Fortune 500 pay and how it got so far out if whack. Corruption, pure and simple; all these CEOs sit on one another's compensation boards and vote each other raises- then pony at the other companies and say they're just keeping up with industry trends?! How us that NOT a rip off of the highest order?
They're stealing from their employees AND the shareholders and somehow even institutional investors with the biggest blocs of shares seem to be okay with letting it continue... probably because THEIR compensation boards look the same way!
I think a CEO should make the same pay as the most experienced workers in the company, whether that experience comes from the boardroom our the factory floor, both have an equal impact on profitability. If a CEO wants more, then by ask means, buy stock- NOT just options that have been repriced to put then in the money. Once they have their own skin in the game, they'll behave a lot more appropriately.
I think that companies should be allowed to pay anyone whatever they want.