Im Going To Buy Hemp Seeds And Plant Them Everywhere


Well-Known Member
OK the fucking amsterdam people should throw in a couple 7 or 8 (thousand) few seeds!!
Then spread those seeds quicker than you could spread a hooker legs.


Well-Known Member
Wild hemp's soooo low in T.H.C,
Funnily enough I bought a bag of hemp seed the other day, 750KG, to grow, just so I could learn a bit more about wild hemp. lol
Tried germinating it, and out of 50 ish seeds, only one's got a tap root!
Most hemp seed has been steralized, that's correct,
It's used for fishing, cooking, etc.
Hemp oil's a healthy additive to any diet.

However although Hemp's a member of the cannabis family, the buds wouldn't be worth shitting on.

Hemp's also used to make paper, as well as clothes.

That's all I know for now, q=o)
Most organic hemp seeds sold for consumption are most definitly NOT sterilized and ARE INDEED viable. They are mainly from cheap as fuck China who don't "sterilize"jack. But its a really bad idea to grow it anywhere within 5 miles downwind...maybe further.
Most of the hemp seed you get in the States is sterilized Canadian hemp seed, but the rest of the world gets Chinese and eastern european seed stock which is viable...just look for a supplier thats got the chinese stuff...or dont...I dont want it around my farm.


Well-Known Member
Most of the hemp seed you get in the States is sterilized Canadian hemp seed, but the rest of the world gets Chinese and eastern european seed stock which is viable...just look for a supplier thats got the chinese stuff...or dont...I dont want it around my farm.

Dude this thread is like 8 years old

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
U guys want to randomly plant seeds around town? That's fucken stupid!! Kids getting lamer and lamer go start a fire or break some windows graffiti something worthy throwing seeds then running home bragging to your friends. . "Yo g I threw the shit out of those seeds "isn't really cool at all!! But what do i know I'm from California maybe our cool standards are just way to high!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are both numbers, but not the same number. Would you like to have a 6 inch dick or a 8 inch dick? See what I mean, big difference.

(I didn't say if the dick was for pounding your ass or not)

hell fire well

they say size doesnt matter
Did something I have never done today...I bet against the Pats vs the Chiefs,.took the 3 points. PAts havent looked like themselves this year...but damn...I'm sure I am going to regret it later tonight...
Chiefs got over 300 yards on the pats in the 1st half...something is defo wrong with them...but it worked out for me...I hope they get their shit together before next week...the Bengals are coming to Foxborough...