First Time Growing


Active Member
HELLO, i just wanted to show off my plants growing in my backyard. its my first time and i hope i dont fuck up. i have read up alot and i cant wait till they go into flowering.I think they might both be females because they are growing little white hairs with orange tips between the nodes, but i could be wrong.:blsmoke:

ps they sprouted on 420:hump:



Well-Known Member
very healthy are you using miracle grow?
shit if i were you i would force flower that thing is beautiful, im sure you fimmed your plant its very bush, great work!


Well-Known Member
photo update
does anyone know what these spots are on my leafs? there only on the bottom of the plants. hopefully not bad news

I had the same looking issue on a blueberry plant I had outdoors. It was only on the bottom few leaves, I cut the leaves and the issue never came back up.


Well-Known Member
looking good its just going to get better from here on,
are you feeding nutes? be careful with that don't over feed like me.

its day 31 flowering over here for this one. recovered from a nute burn, repoted it and everything...



Active Member
Some more photos, thanks for the comments everyone, got the pics off the lower branches, the top colas of the plants havent really developed...yet.

looking good its just going to get better from here on,
are you feeding nutes? be careful with that don't over feed like me.​

thanks, im using mg bloom booster and im going to start using molasses as well.



Active Member
im pretty sure your leaf problem is from bugs i have the same problem. i have seen very very little bugs on the undersides of my leaves that look like that. by the way those are very sweet looking plants i bet you'll get something special off of them.