Club 600

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
oh I see SomeGuy. interesting set so curious how you plan on controlling the massive amount of bush in there.... how much do you usually yield with one of those buckets? . most of my 2 gallon waterfarm scrogs can fill a 4 by 4 alone. how do you control the super growth in there .. are you going for just 10 or so huge donkey dick colas per bucket?


Well-Known Member

Something like this but flat.... that pic is from my cabinet that is "kinda" vertical.. LOL

Or like this except not parabolic... LOL (another way older grow of mine)

I expect they will be up off the screen a bit this time though as I kinda ran out of horizontal space. Next time in 4x4 with 9 of them. LOL BTW I like to let the outer edges of a flat scrog get taller so they can grow up the walls a bit.. AFter this one is done we will see how the 4x4 works out.


Well-Known Member
Scrog is looking stellar SomeGuy.

I think you will really enjoy the 300 Doobs . They are great bikes for commuting and cruising around town. I wouldn't buy one for road trips though because the small displacement engine will struggle to hold highway speeds for long periods of time. I would go with something with more cc's if you're planning any trips on the bike.


Well-Known Member
@Dr.Amber Trichome

LOL awesome I made your day.! BTW... There are 6 5gl in that 2x4 tent currenlty. Plus a one gl slipped in there. total of 8 plants as one of the 5gl has two in it. I was afraid I wouldnt fill the screen.

Here is the day I flipped them... About 3.5wks ago

If the cabinet impressed you just check out my journal. Several grows in it. :-) I am expanding my practice though so I will have a 4x4 tent, a 3x3, and this 2x4 for vegging. (im still on this journal till I start the 4x4 led tent up.

older one:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dez! :-) Your grow looks like its going well too. I am feeling like its getting close to that time for a meet up again.
Thanks. I am a little disappointed in my grow this round. It's just taking too long for the majority of the plants to finish.

I'd be down to meet up sometime and it would be cool if everyone was to make it.


Well-Known Member
A friend of a friend built the bike frame for an oz.another friend painted the bike .the motor is a 80cc with a lil work done to it.i ride this to the it up to 50 mph with my heavy self.@ someguy that scrog is beautiful brother.@ jigs nice to hear from you brother hows the fam? This is what i been up to.


Well-Known Member
*motorcycle update #420:

The trade in price is acceptable, so it looks like I will be a Kawboy once again, riding my trusty green steed off into the red-yellow-green sunset in search of adventures...

... much like this little green warrior I discovered after pulling the Ramp of Death away from the foundation of the house so I could excise the evil Slope of Damnation from the benign Doorstep of Non-sprained Wrists...

Frog 01.JPG
(*I made sure to make him a temporary cover out of a small cardboard box until the project was done and the step moved back into place)

I sprained both wrists a few hours ago by pirouetting down the red clay-infused handicap ramp and landing face first on the cement walkway in the same position as Han Solo when frozen in carbonite.
Heard both wrists let out a loud "snap" sound and thought I'd broken something.
Might have cracked a bone, don't know.
I do know that both wrists are sprained.
Thankfully, I have an oz of decent herb to help.

The Death Ramp...
(*this thing, when wet, is so slippery it's like you're weightless and out of control... until you hit the ground. This was the third time since moving here that it's happened. And it was the last time...)
(you can still see my skid marks iin the dark grey streaks where my boots went crazy) (***and, yeah, "skid marks". :-) )
death ramp.JPG

The doorstep, after cleanup with power washer.

door step.JPG

So, just need to fill out the loan paperwork, and take it from there.
Time to toke hard.
I popped 3 ibuprofen, and that helped a little with the pain.
Might have to take a few more in a little bit.
Alright, it's Bong:45-pm, smoke if you get 'em...
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Well-Known Member
Alrite guys that make bubble, what are you guys getting for returns? I'm just curious as to if I need to change anything.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys been busy but I'm trying to catch up.
@doobie good luck with the bike. I bought a Kawai in '78 the Z1R, 1000 cc's of FAST.
loved that rocket ship.
@SG, nothing to say but BEAUTIFUL!
@Dr.D, glad you've gotten busy, great to hear that.
@jigfresh, don't blink your little girl will be in college.
My wife is having some surgery on thurs. so I'll catch up when I can.
Good vibs to ALL the 6'ers 'till I get back.