First Grow, 2 125w CFL's, Royal Dwarf, any input is welcome im a noob :)


This is my first grow, 2 Royal Dwarf Automatics.
2 125 Apollo Horticulture CFL's, 1 6400k and 1 2700k

I dont have my 2700k hooked up at the moment, because i rebuilt my grow space, but ive heard with auto's keep them on both spectrums the full grow, thats what ive been doing, with a 20/4 light schedule. I feed them Fox Farm "Grow Big" (yes i give half or less what the bottle says) and i have some "Big Bloom" also which i have not given them yet because they are not flowering yet. The one on the left in the 2 gal pot is about 3 weeks old, the other in the 3 gal pot is about 4 weeks. I just want some experienced growers to give me any imput, they look good to me so far, what do you guys thing? Anything i should do different?000_1399.JPG000_1400.JPG 000_1401.JPG


Well-Known Member
yeah man... absolutely zero input needed right now. looking healthy as can be! just relax. enjoy the grow. i've grown royal dwarf before. just remember. don't water too often! less is more! ;)


Thanks, i just wanted a second opinion, they looked healthy, but i dont know it all :)
I do need to cut down on watering though, ive been doing it like every other day, which is prolly fine, but i read that you want to let them get dry, so the roots search down for water, and of course, no root rot.


Well-Known Member
Exactly!. if you feel like watering every 2 days. make it 4. it may look dry but the plant itself will make it known clearly if its underwatered. watering it to often will encourage a spoiled plant, making it smaller.. it's called weed for a reason alright... :D just keep an eye on it!


Good idea putting it by the ac like that, i assume it would be a little easier to keep a constant temp. I lost one of my seeds, i had 3, but i think i put one down too far, it never came up. What brand light is that?


Active Member
They are from Walmart their is 4 single strips I cut a board and screwed them on the board to make it one assembly (; yeah I sit at 66-68 degrees allday(;


Ok so.....speak of the devil. My top leaves are curling down, im thinking000_1405.JPG 000_1406.JPG overwater, or light burn, i had the light like 3-4 inches away, and i moved it up when i saw the leaves curling, i gave it a decent amount of water last night so im guessing its probably overwater. There is NO nutrient burn. Im just gonna leave it alone, not water it for a while, i dont wanna start flushing and shit if it IS overwater, that in my mind would make matters worse, what you guys think, overwater or light too close? Sorry for the blurry pics, and i know that one leaf may look burnt in the top pic, but its just the reddish light.


Well-Known Member
I cant see the pics but it might be 'the claw' nitrogen overdose but im no good at diagnostics ill holler at someone else to help cheers


Well-Known Member
those bags are a pain in the ass to water ........ i have to water around the edge and then put a bit in the tray ...... when they are bigger youll have too slowly water them give them little drinks over 20 mins or so or else all the water will run out and fill your tray up before the plant is actually watered ........ bongsmilie