Well-Known Member
SS, I don't have enough experience adding it in this way to really give you a good answer. My experience with adding the meal is, if you don't let it break down a while before planting into it, your plants can burn. If I need N a quick botanical tea or EWC top dressing usually does the trick. I tend to err on it's easier to add in later then take out later.
Does that mean you shouldn't use it? I have no idea. Someone could be doing it with great results, but it ain't me lol!
I understand what you mean man, the mix im using calls for this meal or rabbit pellets but originally it calls for compost although instead im using EWC in my mix so im not sure if the alfalfa and ewc will have a shitload of N ? im definitely going to let it sit for 4-5 weeks though before using it though, Regards & Thank you