what to add


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, so I grow in Hempys and currently using Lucas Formula with Maxibloom only
I love the simplicity of it, even if it is annoying mixing the dry nutes
I am picking up some supplies for my next grow and was wondering if there was any product I could use to increase my yields? Or help with root structure, whatever. I sometimes supplement with cal-mag because I grow under LED but that and Maxibloom are it...anyways, any suggestions? Tips? Comments?


Well-Known Member
Well just to update, I ordered liquid Koolbloom and will be adding that during early flower. Hoping for some definite tangible improvement from it, but it wasnt too badly priced so whatever


Well-Known Member
I personally don't buy into these special 'formulas' and plant enhancers. I believe they are there to extract money for nothing as their profit.

The basics do wonders, with the appropriate amount of love. Basics as far as food, proper light, appropriate temps/humidity and you can't go wrong.



Well-Known Member
You don't need much. A basic PK booster like Mono Potassium Phosphate or if you want to go commercial GH Kool Bloom is one of the cheaper ones. You use the liquid from like week 3-6/7 then one/two feeds of powdered.


Well-Known Member
Do you have to do the powder? If no then...
What about liquid week 2-5 then one more week of maxibloom, which I would be using this whole time.
When I use maxibloom and a pk booster, how do I still equal 700-1000 ppm? Do I do a certain ratio?
I want to get the pH to 5.9 to be perfect after adding both correct? Sorry for the questions, seems like you have past experience
:bigjoint: so I would give you 4+ reps/pot cookies if could :clap:


Well-Known Member
Do you have to do the powder?
You don't have to do anything. There are people who grow with 1-1-1 NPK ratio through the entire grow. If you add Koolbloom liquid through many weeks of flower you'll change your ratio with KB's 0-1-1 ratio of NPK. If you use powder at the end, you'll change the ratio with it's 1-22-14 ratio. They're doing different things at different stages of growth.

If I were you, I'd keep it simple and get a feel for how a normal (unboosted) grow works. You'll have something to compare to.

Then play with my spreadsheet (<<link) to see how your NPK ratios and PPM would be affected by bumping PK with something like KB liquid (or boosting with powder).

EDIT: By the way, there is a risk of adding KB liquid for so many feedings. It bumps up the ppms, leading to salt build up. If you cut the base nutrients for that long you risk deficiencies. That's why I'd urge you to stay with balanced NPK ratios for awhile before trying stuff like this.

Having said that, I did good with KB liquid escalating from 2ml/gal to 4ml/gal through flower, then KB powder and half-strength nutes. I'm trying a couple grows without it for comparison. I just think it's risky to do it the way I did without something to compare to.
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Well-Known Member
You don't need to use any additives or enhancers.
I used to use all kinds of additives because I thought it would give better results and a bigger yield but I was wrong and I now realise that supplements are just a rip off.
I just use plain nutes and don't even use a booster like PK13-14.
My weed tastes better with no loss of yield and I save shit load of dosh too!


Well-Known Member
You don't need to use any additives or enhancers.
I used to use all kinds of additives because I thought it would give better results and a bigger yield but I was wrong and I now realise that supplements are just a rip off.
I just use plain nutes and don't even use a booster like PK13-14.
My weed tastes better with no loss of yield and I save shit load of dosh too!
It tasted like crap because you use too many things. If you're pounding PK boosters every feed even with feed - water - feed -water alternating the P does't get used up and you gonna have a hard time flushing it out.


Well-Known Member
Well that's why I want to use the liquid booster week 1 1/2 to middle week 5 then another week of basic nutes then flush...sound alright if I ALREADY have the Nutes and am going to use it


Well-Known Member
It tasted like crap because you use too many things. If you're pounding PK boosters every feed even with feed - water - feed -water alternating the P does't get used up and you gonna have a hard time flushing it out.
Are you quoting my post because I am saying the exact same thing as you?


Well-Known Member
Are you quoting my post because I am saying the exact same thing as you?

Well not all additives are salts and cause the plant to retain chemical salts in the plant. Stuff like Dextrose/Molasses/Humic/Fulvic are not salts and should not do anything to the taste. If you don't care about the yield than using just the food itself or batter yet organic based nutrients would produce best tasting product all things being equal.


Well-Known Member
Well not all additives are salts and cause the plant to retain chemical salts in the plant. Stuff like Dextrose/Molasses/Humic/Fulvic are not salts and should not do anything to the taste. If you don't care about the yield than using just the food itself or batter yet organic based nutrients would produce best tasting product all things being equal.
Well since I stopped using additives my weed tastes 10 times better with the same flush time.
Are you a Canna rep?
If you are, you would say that wouldn't you.


Well-Known Member
Are you quoting my post because I am saying the exact same thing as you?

Well not all additives are salts and cause the plant to retain chemical salts in the plant. Stuff like Dextrose/Molasses/Humic/Fulvic are not salts and should not do anything to the taste. If you don't care about the yield than using just the food itself or batter yet organic based nutrients would produce best tasting product all things being equal.
Well since I stopped using additives my weed tastes 10 times better with the same flush time.

Oh and it will for the most part but unless you experiment you wont know what changed the flavour.


Well-Known Member
Well not all additives are salts and cause the plant to retain chemical salts in the plant. Stuff like Dextrose/Molasses/Humic/Fulvic are not salts and should not do anything to the taste. If you don't care about the yield than using just the food itself or batter yet organic based nutrients would produce best tasting product all things being equal.
Oh and it will for the most part but unless you experiment you wont know what changed the flavour.
I think to experiment when growing weed is the wrong way to go about things.We have all seen monster plants that grow naturally outdoors without the need for additives so I would say just keep it simple. A good amount of light, right temps and humidity and minimum nutes is what I have found gives great results.
Do not over complicate things.