If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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well, WE ALL know that YOU wouldn't even show your pimply face. You aren't even honest about where you live because you know if you did, someone would come and pop a zit for you. So, you keep on flappin there little man. your is coming.
From who ain't nobody on this website gonna find me in person and if they do then we'll go from there but I doubt that'll happen I'll get what's coming you must mean karma
From who ain't nobody on this website gonna find me in person and if they do then we'll go from there but I doubt that'll happen I'll get what's coming you must mean karma
Dude, I ALMOST got your full IPO. a few more posts and the triangulation should have a lock

BTW, your tampon is showing
Im considering that you just aren't sure that its just how it really goes. I bet yoy you can't even get a hand job from a 75 year old grandma on the greyhound bus you pussy
You're weird why would I want to do that what a pathetic post trying to say I'm a pussy for not being able to get a hamdjob from a 75 yr old woman it sounds like you're joking if you're not then I'm concerned
You're weird why would I want to do that what a pathetic post trying to say I'm a pussy for not being able to get a hamdjob from a 75 yr old woman it sounds like you're joking if you're not then I'm concerned
You rally should nto fuck with me today. I should mak e your face melt ontop of my wiener, You better be careful because or I'll make you do that. You should believe that.
You're weird why would I want to do that what a pathetic post trying to say I'm a pussy for not being able to get a hamdjob from a 75 yr old woman it sounds like you're joking if you're not then I'm concerned
He said YOU CAN"T EVEN get a 75 yr old women to jerk your little pee pee because you are such a loser, you can't get ANY female to touch that thing
You're weird why would I want to do that what a pathetic post trying to say I'm a pussy for not being able to get a hamdjob from a 75 yr old woman it sounds like you're joking if you're not then I'm concerned
Touch my weenis, you faggy wannbe hardass. i'll smash yo.u and youre mom (the greeter at walmart)
That's what I said I don't know you, you should've said I don't know you either well no you shouldn't have they both sound stupid like you anyway
whyonchu get a fucking getta dick and start trolling someone who gives a shit you faulty cock licking cockdrag?
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