If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Well-Known Member
I should fucking puke allover you nd then beat your ass to pieces on principle alone. fuck you


Well-Known Member
you turned your phone off pussy, You have to turn it back on and my program is set to log your GPS location as soon as you do.
I did not turn my phone off and my GPS locater Is on and will be on already so why don't you stop hesitating to find me cause you're too scared or you're lying either way you're a fake if my phone was off this post would an exist


Well-Known Member
Cause if I die that's just one less person who can teach you how to speak English. Now if you would excuse me I'm gonna go pick up some acid I've been eagerly waiting for happy tripping
you couldn't afford gud tabs like you coulndn't afford pussy. you got not scratch you female
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