K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal


Active Member
Ok I am going to lose the foil I know its a bad idea what about like white paper? Actually as I typed white paper an earthquake just hit maybe that's a sign I should just buy the paint. Painting will be fun anyways ^_^


Active Member
ooking good man good luck with ur plant, ur foreign one :D lol
its cool that ur in japan
ill be watching ur growth:weed:l

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Good job so far! They are looking fine! I had a plant that had one of its first pot leaves shrivel and die. a month later that plant is 15"+ so you'll be fine! Are Japanese laws crazy strict? or can you get bud out there pretty easy?

I'm tuning in!



Active Member
ooking good man good luck with ur plant, ur foreign one :D lol
its cool that ur in japan
ill be watching ur growth:weed:l
Ehh being in Japan is cool at first then the coolness subsides like an avalanche. And then you want variety I almost lost it tuesday at work when I was like omg all these asians where is the variety, and then lunch time came and we had rice, miso soup, and some kind of fish. I was about ready to throw my rice at the wall and flip my desk over but I kept my cool. I need these plants bad. I really hope one is a female. ohh and a quick update I painted the inside of my grow box white but ran out of paint so half of it is painted, so I have to buy more paint tomorrow I guess. I would post pictures but I smashed my cameraphone :-?

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Ehh being in Japan is cool at first then the coolness subsides like an avalanche. And then you want variety I almost lost it tuesday at work when I was like omg all these asians where is the variety, and then lunch time came and we had rice, miso soup, and some kind of fish. I was about ready to throw my rice at the wall and flip my desk over but I kept my cool. I need these plants bad. I really hope one is a female. ohh and a quick update I painted the inside of my grow box white but ran out of paint so half of it is painted, so I have to buy more paint tomorrow I guess. I would post pictures but I smashed my cameraphone :-?
You didn't throw it by any chance? i lost count of how many phones I have trashed.lol
At least you have made a start on your cab, it will be better than the foil.


Active Member
So I am geting my phone repaired when it comes back to me I will update with new pictures. But I have quite a bit of secondary growth on both plants despite the huge difference in size between the two plants. Still no signs of sex yet :(


Active Member
Good Stuff, I was wondering what was up.
Heres some pics from last week, others starting flowering:
Satori, Snow White and ZamalxSkunk...



Active Member
Ok this weekend I went out of town to see a festival and of course while I was a way my plants grew taller. Much taller than I had anticipated so that my biggest plant came in contact with the light and the top of it got burned :( so I am wondering should I leave it how it is or cut off the burnt leaves?



Active Member
Well guys I am leaving the country for 3 weeks I think a friend is going to come to my place to water my plants and look after them. I hope he doesn't eff them up they have gotten soo big


Active Member
Sorry, K3NNY.
Oh, wait, you're not K3NNY.
You're just some random member who decided to police someone elses thread (whose OP said they didn't mind if I posted some pics)...

Sorry for the vibes in your thread K3NNY.


Active Member
Sorry been away for awhile guys. When back to America and took a smoke break (hahaha). While I was gone all kinds of mayhem happened. My friend was supposed to water my plants but guess what he didn't water Sh*T so for like over a month my plants had no water. I came back to stalks with dying stems on them. :(

Well the stems have fallen off and new ones have started growing in but this is a major set back I thought I was going to come back to flowering plants, but I guess not. I will post pics later on today. I have my plants hidden because Smoke detectors are being installed by my landlord today. Lame I know. Speaking of which does anyone have any tips for disabling smoke detectors?


Active Member
Sure. Remove the battery. Your landlord sure won't like it though.

Good to have you back, K3NNY, and good to hear that you had a nice smoke break.
Just some friendly advice...that friend you got to water your plants? Tell him that they died, thanks for nothing, that sort of thing. It was something you did for some fun, but you have no more seeds left, and don't want to get caught, etc.

Even one person "in real life" knowing about you growing is one too many. I'm sure you trust them, but its just too risky dude.

Pity about your plants, but if theres new growth theres hope yet. You may want to induce flowering by giving them 12 hours of lights and 12 hours of darkness when they get a little healthier.


Active Member
Ohh and the pic off them after the near death experience you can see the browning where some death is still happening there are struggling to hang in there. Well not exactly struggling they are doing pretty damn well. They looked like trash when I came back.



Active Member
Thats good. :D
Hey, that plant doesn't look bad at all - pull off the dead brown leaves, they should come off pretty easily, and they're no use to the plant now.
Do you have somewhere to put the plant outside? You can put it on your balcony to start flowering...otherwise you'll prob. have to get more lights and put it in a cab-like thing. (the japanese cupboards - oshi-ire are good for this - you can put a little rotating fan in there, fit lights in there and also close the sliding doors to block light etc)
If you plan on finishing it inside, you'd probably want to snip or "top" the main stem, about 2-3 nodes or branches from the top to keep the size down.


Active Member
Well should have wrote this a few weeks ago. But I had a run in with the cops on an incident completely unrelated to Mary Jane, and out of fear they may come to my apartment I took the axe to my beautiful plants :(. And now I just said screw it I am going back to America I can get some greenery easy there. But I think I will bury my seeds in a box somewhere in the hopes that some gaijin will find my treasure map and uncover my buried loot.