The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
the worst one by a long way was the Chechen casually slitting throats of their pows, one poor fukker was still fighting back with half his throat cut thru cant be nice


Well-Known Member
if they miss the main artery then you better believe you are gonna die a painful death but usually once they sever the blood flow to the brain it's fair game, no oxygenated blood getting to your noggin will usually end you instantly.

the ones that piss me off are the cunts who do it with a butter knife, then have to twist the head off cause there is no way of cutting through the spinal column. i would love to see a vid of a guillotine beheading, i think it would actually be a pretty humane way to go, i suppose the rough and ready approach has more gore factor though.


Well-Known Member
Ii smoke it bout 20 mins out the tube but it sits in boiling water when blasting the gas through then scrape up and freeze and make into 0.1 lumps for the nail but sumtimes spoil ower self's and it was 0.13 before and a havnt had one since haha


Well-Known Member
Fucking mugs that cant control their fucking dogs ffs, nearly ended up with a dead fucking dog,cunts lucky he shit it n run away with the fucking thing


Well-Known Member
Fucking wankers Rimmer, they should be fucking muzzled if they're not under fucking control, walks giving dog owners a bad name​


Well-Known Member
let me guess, he had a hoody and some kind of staff lol.
what you got a chihuaha?

nah 6ft n in a suit

i dont have a dog, he had a jack russel an a staffy cross n thinks its ok for the jack russel to go for ppl as "its young n doesnt know what hes doing" i told him either get it trained or dont take it near ppl if ur gonna be an irresponsible cunt n not bother training it, also if it goes for me again im gonna kill both his dogs n hospitalise him


Well-Known Member
Fucking wankers Rimmer, they should be fucking muzzled if they're not under fucking control, walks giving dog owners a bad name​
Yup, always the ankle biters n all, staffy was perfectly behaved the whole time, well until i started going off at his owner, then he wasnt so happy lol


Well-Known Member
/\/\/\did it look something like that pooch sae?/\/\/\haha

you remind me of somebody i know, joint calming you down?

how the fuck did a jack russell go for you though, i'm having a fun in my mind trying to picture it.

hows it going rambo? took me a couple of months but sunni did the decent thing and let me back in


Well-Known Member
well im still banned as fuck from the site lol

can only sign in from a browser and even then It still don't run right, was a good laugh the last 5+ yrs but hay ho.

hope everyone is ok.
bearing up mate how ya been? anything interesting been going on?

From here or the other place?


Well-Known Member
haha you remind me of somebody i know, joint calming you down?

how the fuck did a jack russell go for you though, i'm having a fun in my mind trying to picture it.
lol in what way?

I was standing there talking while he walked past with dogs an then out corner of my eye see jack russel dart for me, teeth out n barking


Well-Known Member
bearing up mate how ya been? anything interesting been going on?

From here or the other place?
other place has been a waste of time n money mate, as for real life that aint going to great either lmao

this will give ya a laugh lads, done bout 40vals, 3 dominos, n a g of ket a few wks back and i have no fucking idea why but ive strippped naked to me boxer shorts and went for a walk lmao 3hrs later i thought i was gonna die of the cold n knocked up me mum in law aparently with me cock hanging outside me boxers begging for help....... drug are bad mmmmmmmmkay.......


Well-Known Member
you'll never learn will ya. how is she still your mother in law? they must be very open minded people lol