Club 600


Well-Known Member
Nice, I forgot about those! Those were my first dwc buckets, they work great but the pumps kind of lame, you want about 1w per gallon and I think their pumps were only 2.6w,but they still worked fine for sure, how much was the shipping on that?
I have some huge air pumps from my fish breeding days. I'd be able to shoot bubbles
10 feet in the air 50 cubic feet min. good?


Well-Known Member
No doubt Oldman!! Get that system, that's even cheaper than building one! That's awesome to know because I might need a couple more in the future and I'd rather buy it than build it if it's the same cost 8-)


Well-Known Member
Still cheaper, $5 for bucket, $15 for pump $5 hydroton $10 bucket net pot lid $5 hosing $5 airstones 8-) killer deal you found!


Well-Known Member
The Doobs is probably wearing the seat off of that crotch rocket he got. :lol:

Hey everyone. Hope you're all well. As tempting as DWC has been, I think I'll stick with my organic soils. They move more at my pace. My little ones are starting to stretch a little now and think I'll have them in flower by the end of month. Looks like I'm gonna have some nice treats come my birthday in January. One of these Deep Blue X JTR's are stinking to high hell already. Hoping that one's a girl fo sure. Got some other nice gear coming in the next bit as well. Hopefully some Headband cuts and some beans of Strawberry Cough X C99 that I'm anxious to try.

Been playing in my studio today. Here's the model I've been shooting. Soon my models will be Sativa Sister's, doing it all for me!

Wine Bottle_Home Studio-32-3b.jpg 10426084_10153267408884128_7809173858834888266_n.jpg

:peace: Duchie.
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Well-Known Member
Nice duchie, what is deep blue? Jtr is tga strain I assume, that sounds like a bad ass cross. I love blue strains but n3ver heard of deep blue 8-)