Club 600


Well-Known Member
@Dr.D81 @giggles26 I'm about to pull the trigger on this seed order from BB. Should I go for the Dog(fem) or do they have anything with purple or something that will be relatively easy for a lack.luster pot head ? Or would you guys reccomend any other breeders ? Any help from anyone is welcome and I got about 70$ to spend so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
@Dr.D81 @giggles26 I'm about to pull the trigger on this seed order from BB. Should I go for the Dog(fem) or do they have anything with purple or something that will be relatively easy for a lack.luster pot head ? Or would you guys reccomend any other breeders ? Any help from anyone is welcome and I got about 70$ to spend so keep that in mind.
If you have never grown or enjoyed the dog, I highly recommend trying it. I have yet to smoke it with somebody for the first time and not blow them away. Not to mention the price is very nice.Here's a one I harvested about 2 weeks ago.012.JPG



Well-Known Member
@Dr.D81 @giggles26 I'm about to pull the trigger on this seed order from BB. Should I go for the Dog(fem) or do they have anything with purple or something that will be relatively easy for a lack.luster pot head ? Or would you guys reccomend any other breeders ? Any help from anyone is welcome and I got about 70$ to spend so keep that in mind.
quality & price for BB gear can't be beat IMO !
I'v only run about 5 or 6 strains of their's, all fire !!
fem Dog to start......if you're on a budget
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Well-Known Member
Good morning Enwhysea for Indica my bulletproof strains are:
nl5, sweet afghan delicious, vanilla kush you can't go wrong
with these and they're easy to grow.
I haven't tried the BB strains yet but they are on my bucket list.

well you better hurry up and buy some seeing as you are such an oldman and stuff lol
i would hate to offend you but when you try out the bb stuff, you will be a believer! those "commercial" strains you are growing are like bud light in comparison.

enwhysea, i think everybody should grow the deep blue at some point, so damn easy to get 1gpw and it is pretty tasty stuff


Well-Known Member
You guys really inspired me to make my small grow area better.i plan on placing another light on to of my moms light for clones.i think the warmth from the 8 bulb 4foot flows will help with the for vegging i been using a 55 gal fishtank with a wooden stand to veg the clones.the fish tank has a 4foor 4 bulb flow and it works well.i guess as jigs showed the world in the pass,its not about space its what you do with what you have.


Well-Known Member
well you better hurry up and buy some seeing as you are such an oldman and stuff lol
i would hate to offend you but when you try out the bb stuff, you will be a believer! those "commercial" strains you are growing are like bud light in comparison.

enwhysea, i think everybody should grow the deep blue at some point, so damn easy to get 1gpw and it is pretty tasty stuff
Hey G have you ever smoked Narcotherapy from Cream of the Crop? I've
been smoking 48 yrs and for "commercial" weed that shit puts me down.
And I have had the best of the 60's, 70's ect,ect,ect.


Well-Known Member
there is a lot i haven't tried OM, that strain is one of them, to be honest i'm not a huge indica fan and most strains have the desired effect on me, heavy indicas have a time and a place, it's usually after midnight and bed lol
It's like smoking heroin and hash with good weed thrown in.


Well-Known Member
The Doobs is probably wearing the seat off of that crotch rocket he got. :lol:

Hey everyone. Hope you're all well. As tempting as DWC has been, I think I'll stick with my organic soils. They move more at my pace. My little ones are starting to stretch a little now and think I'll have them in flower by the end of month. Looks like I'm gonna have some nice treats come my birthday in January. One of these Deep Blue X JTR's are stinking to high hell already. Hoping that one's a girl fo sure. Got some other nice gear coming in the next bit as well. Hopefully some Headband cuts and some beans of Strawberry Cough X C99 that I'm anxious to try.

Been playing in my studio today. Here's the model I've been shooting. Soon my models will be Sativa Sister's, doing it all for me!

View attachment 3273337 View attachment 3273336

:peace: Duchie.
Duchie I'll never not grow organic soil but I want to give other methods a limited run
just to expand my knowledge base and to see what I can do with them.
Being almost totally house bound I have a lot of time and the wife likes when
I disappear for a few hrs.