The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
That pit off sae was nice had some nice flavours in there....oh afternoon shit stabbers how are we all? Seems having that fan blowing full knacker on veggies had dried em out nice they looking better now.....get me new tent 2morra as Mrs can't take me today bitch nice to get back to small numbers big veg monster plants monster yeilds ya get me fam a lam naaaaaaam sayin lol......the veggies are desperate for repot but canna do it till I get me new tent


Well-Known Member
There's no point in me trying other strains cuz all they want round here is cheese cheese cheeeeeeeeese lol it just sells its self man guaranteed top dollar works fine for me don't mind the odd different strain in the corner but if turns out shit your left with a few oz of shit that u don't want and u have to sell cheap cuz its shit lol......I chopped a haze last week biggish buds taking over tent it didn't have a droplet of THC on it and absolute no smell......went mad on it fuckin wasting my electric n shit bag a wank


Well-Known Member
There's no point in me trying other strains cuz all they want round here is cheese cheese cheeeeeeeeese lol it just sells its self man guaranteed top dollar works fine for me don't mind the odd different strain in the corner but if turns out shit your left with a few oz of shit that u don't want and u have to sell cheap cuz its shit lol......I chopped a haze last week biggish buds taking over tent it didn't have a droplet of THC on it and absolute no smell......went mad on it fuckin wasting my electric n shit bag a wank
You will make some money off the Gringo then if they are all cheese mad up ur way lol


Well-Known Member
still running the bb then shawny?, mine are getting pretty ridiculous now lad, i'll get some vids if i can be arsed lol. i popped 2 gth seeds in root riots the other week but forgot about them, probly long dead by now.

and as for the nanners ice, all my best cuts of the blue pit had nanners but i never got a seed out of all the plants i have grown, the dog give a few seeds but that was practically half male half female. i don't keep hermy plants around but i really wish i did, my #17 was one of the best smokes and smells i have had, nanneriffic though.



Well-Known Member
Yeh can't wait for that one if it is what all the reports are I'll sack the exo for it I ubwant the cfl as well or just the tent?


Well-Known Member
i rate a 250mh over cfl! and not much heat in my 50x50x100 i got a naked 250 lol, could ge away with a 400

only popped a few thru sae, i just cut em out. il monitor the situation, how long in the blue pits flower?


Well-Known Member
anywhere from 45-65 days lol. you got a cutting or seed? if seed usually it takes a week longer.


Well-Known Member
i rate a 250mh over cfl! and not much heat in my 50x50x100 i got a naked 250 lol, could ge away with a 400

only popped a few thru sae, i just cut em out. il monitor the situation, how long in the blue pits flower?
pheno dependant id say 7.5-9weeks, i had one pheno that finished even quicker but i hadnt taken any cuts of it so it got lost, that finished in roughly 7 weeks from flip to 12/12 (not 1st signs of flower)


Well-Known Member
Started using with the cfls for my small tent with the cutting n it's pretty slick. but when I pop em into my 3x3 I'll have a 400w mh on em for a week or 2 then flip to 600w hps


Well-Known Member
still running the bb then shawny?, mine are getting pretty ridiculous now lad, i'll get some vids if i can be arsed lol. i popped 2 gth seeds in root riots the other week but forgot about them, probly long dead by now.

and as for the nanners ice, all my best cuts of the blue pit had nanners but i never got a seed out of all the plants i have grown, the dog give a few seeds but that was practically half male half female. i don't keep hermy plants around but i really wish i did, my #17 was one of the best smokes and smells i have had, nanneriffic though.

well fuk me ghb when did u learn to grow weed.... nice btw


Well-Known Member
Started using with the cfls for my small tent with the cutting n it's pretty slick. but when I pop em into my 3x3 I'll have a 400w mh on em for a week or 2 then flip to 600w hps

nice, mh are the best for vegging, hps just makes your plants lanky as fuck i find. used to have a 400mh, was a hot son of a bitch though


Well-Known Member
ghb 969246 said:
cfls make perfet veg lights imo, they grow slow but steady as fuk with no stretch, the second my plants go under the hps they stop branching as much and just grow stems it seems

Yeh they are good like in said took some getting used to only dealing with 600's but I can't fault it really when I first got it ibwass well pissed off with it....but Yeh it keeps nodes tight as fuck would be better if the branches and stem would thicken up under a cfl......I can't wait to get these cosis under the 600 theyre gonna explode man topped em the other day she's facing up again and now there just gonna make great fuckin bushes .......zlh smells nice as well and loving my coco mix

Yeh they are pefect