Well-Known Member
ive only snorted adderall once..tastelike sweet and low...never done any other pharm stims but dexedrine and ritalin..both,needed
..but not liked.

again no disrespect intendedYour deductions are correct. I'm 19 and am enrolled in General Arts, going to be majoring in Anthropology. Although, I don't need a reason to use drugs... I like acid and shrooms but I don't really have a real reason to do them other than wanting to experience a different reality. In actuality, I don't particularly enjoy the stimulant high. I wouldn't snort it either... Snorting drugs sucks - the drip is deadly.
I probably went to school too early, or should have just gone to college. Regardless, I'm in it now and will get a degree. I honestly do enjoy learning new material, these are generally courses that interest me!
I should have specified the branch of anthro, it's cultural, not physical or evolutionary anthro, and is a subject that I genuinely enjoy learning about. I'm already taking anthropology courses, I just haven't officially selected my major yet. It wasn't general arts AND science, just arts.again no disrespect intended
but if you cant handle general arts and science which is like ...meant to be a "welcome to college this is how school is " kinda thing..
how are you going to handle Anthropology? You realize that is going to be like 50 times harder than what you're taking right now right?
General arts and science is what most out of highschool kids take to appease their parents to say "i went to college and dont know what to do"
"i need a few extra credits, or to brush up on some stuff"
general arts and science is a great course don't think im not saying that but if youre pushed so far over the edge that you need to use/abuse substances you'll be lost for Anthropology.
Considering you put this in the hallucinatory substances forum, shows to me that you only wanted opinions that were of what you wanted to hear.
had you had put this in toke n talk you would've had more answers on my side of the fence.
but you chose to purposely put this thread where your answer would be acceptable to hear what you wanted to hear.
Again youre using school as a reason to use drugs, so that you can tell yourself its okay
I wish you all the best in your future studies
You seem like the type that is against ALL prescription drugs. If a doctor/psychiatrist is willing to prescribe ADD medication that has has been around for decades and the user is responsible in their use.... whats the big fucking deal?again no disrespect intended
but if you cant handle general arts and science which is like ...meant to be a "welcome to college this is how school is " kinda thing..
how are you going to handle Anthropology? You realize that is going to be like 50 times harder than what you're taking right now right?
General arts and science is what most out of highschool kids take to appease their parents to say "i went to college and dont know what to do"
"i need a few extra credits, or to brush up on some stuff"
general arts and science is a great course don't think im not saying that but if youre pushed so far over the edge that you need to use/abuse substances you'll be lost for Anthropology.
Considering you put this in the hallucinatory substances forum, shows to me that you only wanted opinions that were of what you wanted to hear.
had you had put this in toke n talk you would've had more answers on my side of the fence.
but you chose to purposely put this thread where your answer would be acceptable to hear what you wanted to hear.
Again youre using school as a reason to use drugs, so that you can tell yourself its okay
I wish you all the best in your future studies
yes and noYou seem like the type that is against ALL prescription drugs. If a doctor/psychiatrist is willing to prescribe ADD medication that has has been around for decades and the user is responsible in their use.... whats the big fucking deal?
I have the complete opposite effect with the vyvanse- it only feels like a comedown for 12hrs + ! The other meds allow me to stay focused and on-point for 6-8hrs tops and completely wear off by 12hrs. My guess is that vyvanse works better for people who just want a 'smooth buzz', but anyone who is experienced with amphetamines doesn't get the same 'kick' from them. Vyvanse makes me feel like I'm coming down from a large dose of meth the entire time.Vyvanse is dextroamphetamine with an L-Lysine molecule attached to prevent abuse. You have to take it through the oral route so that your digestive system separates the L-Lysine from the dextroamphetamine. L-Lysine is just an essential amino acid.
What side effects? I've heard nothing but good things about Vyvanse compared to other stimulants that are prescribed for ADD. Personally it worked great for me and I wasn't irritable/angry when coming down off of it like with Ritalin and Adderall.
The thing about the desoxyn is it's actually the best as far as comfort goes. 5mg of desoxyn is like taking 20mg of adderall, except the body load and side effects are almost non-existent. I find it to be the best tolerated and most effective of the bunch. They are all amphetamines, don't think adderall/dexedrine/vyvanse is any different/better/worse. Like I said, the desoxyn is hands down the cleanest and most effective of the bunch with the smallest chance of negative side effects. Not sure why I'm rambling, desoxyn is so rare it's almost an urban legend. I'm not really suggesting or condoning it, just wanted to shed some light on the subject, and my experience.I'll pass on the meth, and it's not euphoria I'm looking for. Thanks for the info about vyvanse though, one of my friends I asked about Adderall had this instead but I declined, despite my research saying that it's very similar to Adderall except can't be snorted.
IDK what the Choe Method is?Got a link? And I dont agree w/ Sunni's method either ...Too each there ownY'all need to check out and follow The Choe Method. sunni is doing it whether she knows it or not...comes natural for some people...
Let me Google that for you...YOU'VE GOT TO TRY HARDER!IDK what the Choe Method is?Got a link? And I dont agree w/ Sunni's method either ...Too each there own
I work plenty hard what sunni does as per her schedule is unhealthy.......Here I'll ruffle some feather's why would you go balls to the walls for college when it's proven to be one of the worst investment's?Let me Google that for you...YOU'VE GOT TO TRY HARDER!
ill have a job in a career field pretty much guaranteed when it is done.I work plenty hard what sunni does as per her schedule is unhealthy.......Here I'll ruffle some feather's why would you go balls to the walls for college when it's proven to be one of the worst investment's?
how is it one of the worst investments? there are more and more people going to college, so you hear more stories about people who take out tons of loans and get a decent degree but still can't find a decent career so they bitch about it, but it's definitely still a good investment imo. I would never go, because I'm lazy, don't care enough about a career, and have the internet/books/drugs to learn what I want etc..... but for people wanting to fit into society, have a normal career and family type deal, then it seems like the way to go.I work plenty hard what sunni does as per her schedule is unhealthy.......Here I'll ruffle some feather's why would you go balls to the walls for college when it's proven to be one of the worst investment's?
Listen to what ya just said bro?Second sentence ...Col/Univ Advertise what is needed now ...Not whats needed 2-4-6 yrs from now....I could have phrased it better, BUT still what's the average pay of these jobs/career's most of them?Now of all these position's how many really have open advancement? Raises and such?How many upper management position's are there really? Sure EVENTUALLY you will pay your debt's off but for what?50k a yr for the next 12 years and then maybe a push to like 55k? I have an A/S and it does me no good since I trade the market now(Which I went to school for -no degree) and I am way happier....I choose to make my education pay for itself as I went.....It's a bad investment because most people come to find out that whatever it is they thought they were gonna do isn't all it's cracked up to be and that the last person they promoted has been there for 10yrs and it add's up to what a extra 2k a yr? If it takes more then 5 yrs to pay your schooling of that's a bad investment IMHO...Nothing but a house should take longer then 5 years....In my conclusion LMAO there are some career's that it pay's to go to college for and they they fall into the "What I make out of it" category the rest that just get ya a 9-5 are a waste of moneyhow is it one of the worst investments? there are more and more people going to college, so you hear more stories about people who take out tons of loans and get a decent degree but still can't find a decent career so they bitch about it, but it's definitely still a good investment imo. I would never go, because I'm lazy, don't care enough about a career, and have the internet/books/drugs to learn what I want etc..... but for people wanting to fit into society, have a normal career and family type deal, then it seems like the way to go.
What make's you think that's the case? That's more of a social stigma....and you need more sleep plus a handful of other thing'sso youd rather work for mcdonalds on min wage?