Trichome ripeness studies?

I saw that,
"107 Cannabis samples acquired from law
108 enforcement and manually assessed for trichome browning on a linear scale had a lower THCA
109 and increased cannabinolic acid (CBNA) content compared to cannabis samples with clear or
110 milky trichomes [3]. Reduced THC content in senescent trichomes glands was also reported by
111 Mahlberg and Kim [10]. There is currently a lack of prior reports describing trichome gland
112 phenotype in relationship to cannabis flower development in situ in cannabis."

That's another part about the potency issue. Which cannabinoids are we looking at peak potency for? Also synergistic blending of specific cannabinoids and entourage effect are other points. We aren't just looking for THC and CBD there's an entire plethora of chemicals that work together to be greater then the sum of their parts and so if you're looking for sleep vs pain relief at what point in time does that correlate to a trichome color if it does? There's so much more to learn it's almost overwhelming.

Cannabis is very complex. Anyway that was a really great rabbit hole to dive down this morning and kept me from being too shocked LOL thank you!!
There is a study of the different cannabinoids found in cannabis there is alot and more is discovered the more studies is done. Each cannabinoid has a different effect on the human body (Endocannabinoid system). It's a complex relationship and studies is only in its infancy. Just think of it this way for each cannabinoid in cannabis there is a receptor in the human body to receive it and each one has a different function. For me cannabis is the most complex and interesting plant on earth.
Looking for any actual real science addressing potency/ripeness and color of trichomes, I can't seem to find anything. Is this all bro-science or are there actually studies around trichome color and potency? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance,

There are some records ppl have made of how the thc, cbd, cbn develops each week. Easiest place for you to start are probaly the old ghs grow vids as they too used to test a sample every week of the plants develpment and put up the results, not sure how well your going to be able to see the trichs and colour though.
Best thing is take samples at diffrent times yourself and test no science or bro science or what ever will compare as you are the measure yourself of whats best for you.
Yeah and no footnote so with no cannabinoid discussion it looks like it's not proven yet, just a correlate. I'm really looking forward to the Universities getting their hands on this and answering all of it! Thanks
That's not likely these days, Universities are only interested in Tomfoolery!
That's not likely these days, Universities are only interested in Tomfoolery!
The Universities I went to are still aggressively involved in research. It's pretty normal to explore activism and social priorities during your undergrad. Once you're in grad school you carry weight or lose your funding.

I was an undergrad in the 1970s and I was pretty wild. The kid's today don't seem to have changed much from my experience. Their topics of concern are a bit different from ours but realistically it seems to be on a similar maturational arc.
Did frenchy's trichome research initiative die along with him?, I remember his videos he's saying like over 75% amber had a higher potency. But he was making live charras, your trichs mature In the jar during cure so that could change #'s
Did frenchy's trichome research initiative die along with him?, I remember his videos he's saying like over 75% amber had a higher potency. But he was making live charras, your trichs mature In the jar during cure so that could change #'s
I think so sadly mind you idk theres a interview with his wife talking about him in my to watch pile maybe they will go into that further hopefully i know he got the first part pushed through but idk if rest of it died with him i hope not it be a shame

For those interested
