Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Still haven't seen any change on the PM.
I went ahead and pollinated the super haze with all 3 pollen and labeled them accordingly. Going to see which ones take and which doesn't, I have them side by side.
Here are the branches that have been pollinated.

Order of the pics -
1st) Super Haze + FTB
2nd) Super Haze + MTB
3rd) Super Haze + STB
SH-ftb.jpg SH-mtb.jpg SH-stb.jpg


Well-Known Member
i stuck mine again with the mtb and im seeing some but not much pollination ......... thats what i was scared of o_O BUT........ the STB on the jdp that just flipped took hard so i dont know ....... it acted like it didnt take on my hazey pheno


Well-Known Member
Not sure what is going to happen just going to have to wait and see I suppose.

I put the pollen in viles shook it up and used it. I had it in the freezer before I hit the super haze. Idk.


Well-Known Member
I had started reading about this super haze and it seems a lot of people love this plant as a daytime smoke.

Not sure why every single time I try and make seeds it always goes bad. I have bad luck with this shit apparently.


Well-Known Member
On my last couple of bowls of all the weed I have dry. The bagseed got me high, but sucked at doing it...

Thinking about becoming an alcoholic since its so much easier to come by. :roll:


Well-Known Member
i finally got my lights cut back enough that my sativa's are flowering :D
i hit them with some nutes i mean really pushed em and its been a day and im only showing a slight tip burn :? i figured they would of caught on fire or something lol


Well-Known Member
i finally got my lights cut back enough that my sativa's are flowering :D
i hit them with some nutes i mean really pushed em and its been a day and im only showing a slight tip burn :? i figured they would of caught on fire or something lol
Wait another two days and see how they look. What made you decide to give them so much?


Well-Known Member
What up people?
Anyone here tonight?
I am still not getting notifications from this thread! its really starting to piss me off. Although I may have been in bed, been working since Thursday last week at the farm :) cleaning out the pines, getting ready for harvesting straw. You're doing all the girlie stuff while I'm out workin like a man :mrgreen: J/K LoL LmaO :D

Sucks you don't have a grade yet. I'm sure you'll get a low A ;)


Well-Known Member
I am still not getting notifications from this thread! its really starting to piss me off. Although I may have been in bed, been working since Thursday last week at the farm :) cleaning out the pines, getting ready for harvesting straw. You're doing all the girlie stuff while I'm out workin like a man :mrgreen: J/K LoL LmaO :D

Sucks you don't have a grade yet. I'm sure you'll get a low A ;)
You know it. That's why I went back to school so I would no longer have to do manual labor. :wink:

I got the math grade back, I made an F. Not sure why though cause I thought I knew it and breezed right through it actually. I haven't been able to go see the actual test since I have to go to the testing center to view what I missed, but they have been closed due to fall break. I'm willing to bet my teacher marked things wrong that she shouldn't have, she has been doing that to me a lot lately.


Well-Known Member
You know it. That's why I went back to school so I would no longer have to do manual labor. :wink:

I got the math grade back, I made an F. Not sure why though cause I thought I knew it and breezed right through it actually. I haven't been able to go see the actual test since I have to go to the testing center to view what I missed, but they have been closed due to fall break. I'm willing to bet my teacher marked things wrong that she shouldn't have, she has been doing that to me a lot lately.
I would like to tell you that thanks to my job, I'm getting my muscle mass back and then some! I was missing the gym like crazy, being out there I don't even think about it. Don't have to. Just do the job, I feel so accomplished too. Not only did I do my job well, I felt good. Physically and mentally, being out in the country does wonders for the soul. ;)

I bet she faults you for your methodology. Didn't you have a difference of opinion with her over that?