Biothrive lineup

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
I used Biothrive Grow, Bloom, and CaMg+ outdoors on 3 plants this summer, and the results were very good considering it was my first grow. The plants all looked healthy with big fat buds on 2 of the 3 plants and I'll definitely use all 3 again next year.


Active Member
I used Biothrive Grow, Bloom, and CaMg+ outdoors on 3 plants this summer, and the results were very good considering it was my first grow. The plants all looked healthy with big fat buds on 2 of the 3 plants and I'll definitely use all 3 again next year.
Is it true about the biothrive that you dont have to adjust ph at all?

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Is it true about the biothrive that you dont have to adjust ph at all?
That's what I read so I never tested PH. I started with very good soil for my plants, always watered using water that had sit for an hour to dissipate the chlorine, be sure to mix the nutes in the water right before you use them, and be sure to have a good organic defense for bugs and bud worms regardless of how healthy they look.


Active Member
That's what I read so I never tested PH. I started with very good soil for my plants, always watered using water that had sit for an hour to dissipate the chlorine, be sure to mix the nutes in the water right before you use them, and be sure to have a good organic defense for bugs and bud worms regardless of how healthy they look.
I called general hydro today and talked to them about the not phing the water and she explained it all to me. Do u by a chance use their subculture products in your soil?

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
pjd - nope, just the 3 BioThrive products and good organic potting soil. I've been smoking for about 100 years but this was my first grow so I defer to all the experts here for additional input. The only place I had available to grow was along the side of my house which is maybe 4 ft. wide and only gets about 6 hours of sunlight per day and the results were surprising - big fat buds which filled 10 quart sized jars that are now about 60 - 70% full. I have no doubt the nutes were a major reason the plants and buds produced the results I wanted.

Next year, the only thing I'll change is to start using the CaMg+ from the very beginning (I'll be planting medical dispensary clones again) instead of waiting about 6 weeks like I did this year. And more importantly, I'll have a scheduled regimen of using organic products to counter pests, especially bud worms.

The thing that made the most sense of everything I read about nutes is, IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER, it's best to pick a brand of nutes and stick with their line of products. It greatly simplifies your understanding of what to add and when to add. Next year, I'll be using the 'double strength' dose with every watering (Grow and CaMg+ for 6 - 8 weeks, then Bloom and CaMg+ throughout flowering), similar to this year when I had no reason to suspect that PH was a problem.


Active Member
pjd - nope, just the 3 BioThrive products and good organic potting soil. I've been smoking for about 100 years but this was my first grow so I defer to all the experts here for additional input. The only place I had available to grow was along the side of my house which is maybe 4 ft. wide and only gets about 6 hours of sunlight per day and the results were surprising - big fat buds which filled 10 quart sized jars that are now about 60 - 70% full. I have no doubt the nutes were a major reason the plants and buds produced the results I wanted.

Next year, the only thing I'll change is to start using the CaMg+ from the very beginning (I'll be planting medical dispensary clones again) instead of waiting about 6 weeks like I did this year. And more importantly, I'll have a scheduled regimen of using organic products to counter pests, especially bud worms.

The thing that made the most sense of everything I read about nutes is, IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER, it's best to pick a brand of nutes and stick with their line of products. It greatly simplifies your understanding of what to add and when to add. Next year, I'll be using the 'double strength' dose with every watering (Grow and CaMg+ for 6 - 8 weeks, then Bloom and CaMg+ throughout flowering), similar to this year when I had no reason to suspect that PH was a problem.
I think that was one of my main issues last run was the calmag. I didnt use it and i think i should have since my tap water is only 100 ppm out of the tap and it probably wasnt providing enough. Switching to organics from maxibloom is a big shift but it makes me feel like a beginner again and gets me back into being obsessed with my plants. Do u feed every watering or every other? And that damn biomarine smells like shiiiiit hahhaha

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
I think that was one of my main issues last run was the calmag. I didnt use it and i think i should have since my tap water is only 100 ppm out of the tap and it probably wasnt providing enough. Switching to organics from maxibloom is a big shift but it makes me feel like a beginner again and gets me back into being obsessed with my plants. Do u feed every watering or every other? And that damn biomarine smells like shiiiiit hahhaha
Since I kept my plants small (4.5' to 5.5') to avoid detection, I only needed to water every other day about 1 -2 gallons per plant. My one feeding mistake was I didn't start using the CaMg+ until I was about 6 weeks in.

And since I was a newb, I kept a very close eye out looking for nutrient deficiencies but after a couple months of watching, it wasn't even a concern - just water with nutes every time they were thirsty and nothing to worry about. I have no doubt that if I had more space and could grow 8 foot plants, I'd still feed with every watering, even if it was 2 - 4 gallon of water per day.

The Kosher Tangie I grew had loose, light buds that would have been disappointing if that was all I got. But I grew 2 Indica plants that had very fat, large colas that once I trimmed the fan and sugar leaves, I referred to as bud porn. Ron Jeremy would have been embarrassed if he'd seen them....

So just my 2 cents worth, they seem to put out a good compliment of products to maximize your yield by following a very simple schedule. I'm sure their other stuff must add value but I didn't see the need to add anything.

Finally, the smell of the BioThrive products is unusual but not objectionable. The Grow and Bloom smelled about the same, kind of a molasses and bug guts smoothie. The CaMg+ definitely has a vinegar smell to it, but again not too bad.


Active Member
Since I kept my plants small (4.5' to 5.5') to avoid detection, I only needed to water every other day about 1 -2 gallons per plant. My one feeding mistake was I didn't start using the CaMg+ until I was about 6 weeks in.

And since I was a newb, I kept a very close eye out looking for nutrient deficiencies but after a couple months of watching, it wasn't even a concern - just water with nutes every time they were thirsty and nothing to worry about. I have no doubt that if I had more space and could grow 8 foot plants, I'd still feed with every watering, even if it was 2 - 4 gallon of water per day.

The Kosher Tangie I grew had loose, light buds that would have been disappointing if that was all I got. But I grew 2 Indica plants that had very fat, large colas that once I trimmed the fan and sugar leaves, I referred to as bud porn. Ron Jeremy would have been embarrassed if he'd seen them....

So just my 2 cents worth, they seem to put out a good compliment of products to maximize your yield by following a very simple schedule. I'm sure their other stuff must add value but I didn't see the need to add anything.

Finally, the smell of the BioThrive products is unusual but not objectionable. The Grow and Bloom smelled about the same, kind of a molasses and bug guts smoothie. The CaMg+ definitely has a vinegar smell to it, but again not too bad.
Im all about them indicas man. The buds are much bigger and denser then most sativas. Im currently growing two strains at the moment, barneys farm critical kush and kong by holy smoke seeds. According to the breeders its an idica.(kong) and dude i shit u not that thing got over 6 feet tall in my 7 foot grow tent so i have the top bud bent at a 90 just to fit it under the light. I cant wait to start using my flowering nutes, im real interested to see how my buds turn out size and taste wise with the organics. Sorry for talkin so much im just really blazed off my new volcano vaporizer hahaha