Well-Known Member
being disarmed you have no means of carrying out any effective opposition to any force which is armed.
Exactly my point, Europe has no need for fire arms today, no one has them, I am sorry to say I believe in the democracies that have been built upon hundreds of years of social development, I believe in the strength of representivity(is that spelled correctly?). Ok, no freedom to own guns. fine, in that sense we are enslaved. But I have the freedom to walk/roam freely in the street without watching my back every minute or so, I have the freedom of saying thinking and sharing anything I want. I have the freedom of living my life as I chose, as long as I do not infringe the law. I have the right of saying :''I'm a muslim/arab'' or 'bomb'' (in an airport) without being searched thoroughly or detained. I have the freedom of travelling, taking holidays, being healthy and well fed.
i have the right of forming a political party, presenting myself for election and actively participating in the political life of my country.
---> If you wish to call that being manipulated and placated, go ahead I won't hold you back. Just don't tell me that you base true citizenship on gun-ownership. That's just simplistic. I understand that the notion of citizenship in Europe is very different from that in the US. When I say americans are pragmatic, i do not necesarily mean it as a criticism, it is more of a cultural statement. The notion of gradual progress is difficult to understand to you, as the notion of gun-ownership is to me. And, when I see that my cousin studying at Virginia Tech could have been shot,
I fail to regard the states as a safe country, and you know why? because I don't like gun ownership, it scares me. not all crime perpetrators have a history of criminality, some of them are regarded as normal citizens, until they pop. How many poppers in Canada, Europe? Not so many.
You are afraid of criminals? give their families better schools, health and social condicions and their sons might not become a criminal. Thats progress.
you have, as you say, "terms" but you have no "means". you can go in the streets and hold signs, burn property, throw rocks, etc. but these things will not dissuade a dictator from having his way with you. this is what i mean. in neutered countries there is no balance of power, no check system and therefor no true citizens; only a working mass to placate and manipulate as needed.
Give me an example of guns serving for some social cause in recent years in the US? thank you. Dictatorship? maybe, but not in Europe. Those words are not to be used lightly, Pinochet, now that was a dictator.
armed conflict itself is not the thing to look at here, it's the capacity of the citizens to carry out armed conflict. this means the government is dealing with a responsible citizenry, a citizenry which is capable of taking action. that makes it much more compelling for rulers to be responsible, don't you think?
I do understand , but i do not agree with the threatning philosophy ''We have guns, so don't mess with us'', In my head its more like ''don't mess with us or we'll vote for someone else.''
Exactly my point, Europe has no need for fire arms today, no one has them, I am sorry to say I believe in the democracies that have been built upon hundreds of years of social development, I believe in the strength of representivity(is that spelled correctly?). Ok, no freedom to own guns. fine, in that sense we are enslaved. But I have the freedom to walk/roam freely in the street without watching my back every minute or so, I have the freedom of saying thinking and sharing anything I want. I have the freedom of living my life as I chose, as long as I do not infringe the law. I have the right of saying :''I'm a muslim/arab'' or 'bomb'' (in an airport) without being searched thoroughly or detained. I have the freedom of travelling, taking holidays, being healthy and well fed.
i have the right of forming a political party, presenting myself for election and actively participating in the political life of my country.
---> If you wish to call that being manipulated and placated, go ahead I won't hold you back. Just don't tell me that you base true citizenship on gun-ownership. That's just simplistic. I understand that the notion of citizenship in Europe is very different from that in the US. When I say americans are pragmatic, i do not necesarily mean it as a criticism, it is more of a cultural statement. The notion of gradual progress is difficult to understand to you, as the notion of gun-ownership is to me. And, when I see that my cousin studying at Virginia Tech could have been shot,
I fail to regard the states as a safe country, and you know why? because I don't like gun ownership, it scares me. not all crime perpetrators have a history of criminality, some of them are regarded as normal citizens, until they pop. How many poppers in Canada, Europe? Not so many.
You are afraid of criminals? give their families better schools, health and social condicions and their sons might not become a criminal. Thats progress.
you have, as you say, "terms" but you have no "means". you can go in the streets and hold signs, burn property, throw rocks, etc. but these things will not dissuade a dictator from having his way with you. this is what i mean. in neutered countries there is no balance of power, no check system and therefor no true citizens; only a working mass to placate and manipulate as needed.
Give me an example of guns serving for some social cause in recent years in the US? thank you. Dictatorship? maybe, but not in Europe. Those words are not to be used lightly, Pinochet, now that was a dictator.
armed conflict itself is not the thing to look at here, it's the capacity of the citizens to carry out armed conflict. this means the government is dealing with a responsible citizenry, a citizenry which is capable of taking action. that makes it much more compelling for rulers to be responsible, don't you think?
I do understand , but i do not agree with the threatning philosophy ''We have guns, so don't mess with us'', In my head its more like ''don't mess with us or we'll vote for someone else.''