Just curious, what are YOU looking for from a different nute line?
Less volume of nutes to use?
A one-part?
I, like you, have used the floraseries for years(starting more than 20 yrs ago) For the last 10-12 years, i've dabbled with plenty of different nutes, and for the most part, with great results. I like to switch shit up also
but I always end up going back to the floraseries it seems
I'm currently trying to run out of micro and bloom at the same time. I have a brand new unopened 5gal of maxibloom ready to go back to. It's much cheaper. Fantastic results with it also.
Floranova= good shit too. But costs exactly the same as the floraseries in the end. You use 1/3 the amount as you do with floraseries, But it
costs 3X more per volume. Ends up a wash. But it is much simpler than the 3part. Fantastic results using it also.
So many nutes out there nowadays, and most work just fine. They all have some minor pros and cons about them.
One thing is for sure: There is no magical nutrient line. The floraseries will grow buds just as good as any other line can.
And of course generic dry salts is going to be the absolute cheapest, as churchhaze recommends. If I wasn't such a procrastinator, I would have already mastered the dry salts years ago, and saved a shit ton of money. But, I'm also lame and sometimes lazy