The feeling you get when you grow.


Active Member
So basically this thread is about the feelings you get when you growing.. For me for example I get excited.. I sometimes sit in the grow tent and watch the plant grow millimeter by millimeter each minute lol.. It's not all about the smoking part.. Theirs just so much about the plant we haven't even discovered yet but with it becoming more legal everywhere it is being discovered of all technics and things to do! When your growing how do you feel?


Active Member
As I told my wife it's not all about the end smoking product, of course you wanna smoke what you grew.. It is the best feeling when growing! But it becomes like your little mini babies! Everyone learns more every grow.. Who ever telsk you they know EVERYTHING is full of shit! No one knows it all(: maybe more educated about the agriculture of the plant more than others but that is fine as long as they share their ideas and knowledge (:


Well-Known Member
I get much joy from the whole process especially outside and when I go to visit some friends after tending the garden late in the season and they ask me have I been around a skunk on the farm and I sheepishly tell them yeah they're particularly bad this year. The whole process has a calming affect on me almost as much as enjoying the final product !


Well-Known Member
I'm usually high these days, it's the reason for all these barely coherent posts. So yeah I'm high in my tents, on my floor, and around my door. I'm usually high LOL! Speaking of which time for my .5 morning dose, brb. must be a champ cause 0.5g in the morning is a breakfast for champions only!! :lol:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member must be a champ cause 0.5g in the morning is a breakfast for champions only!! :lol:
You wouldn't say that if you had to haul me out from under one of my tents by my ankles. It came down on me so I simply took a nap until rescue arrived. But thank you! I'd be happy to share :D it doesn't look as tasty as the concentrates but it's not bad.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else feel like taking a shit when theyre growing when youre squatting all the time to water and such?

eh not really i just feel ......

awkward lol when i squat down for long periods of time i feel like im gonna get butt fucked by some dude in a at&t shirt

EDIT: i had to spell butt right


Well-Known Member
No, but when I walk to the far end of Walmart, I have to suddenly violently poop
Is this wlamart humor i dont understand cause not in america? Or cause walmart is huge and toilets few and sparsely located?


Well-Known Member
I get a helluva sense of accomplishment for growing my own. I am done with the days of trying to run down a sack at the last moment and all the hassles associated with it.
As long as I am able bodied and a free man, I will grow until they plant me.

Peace and Great Grows


daemon kronic

Active Member
I live a very chaotic life style and often find the only peace i get is sitting with my lil darlings... The tranquility is quite hypnotic and its common for me to get a better sleep in the tent with them than in bed...might be a me thing


Well-Known Member
And that's why my biggest flower table is toilet adjacent!

Not really it was just a third bathroom I wasn't using LOL.
Lol i once did a grow in a small bathroom and just filled the tub with soil, toilet was right next to it too. After that grow i did a huge dwc in the tub too. Was the most fun grow i ever did! It was northern lights and i remember i had some guy from the agency come around like 2 weeks before harvest to check for rat feses, nl was quite low smelling so i just put a shower curtain to hide the plants and caned joints before and as he came in, he didnt notice them. A whole new meaning of stealth.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lol i once did a grow in a small bathroom and just filled the tub with soil, toilet was right next to it too. After that grow i did a huge dwc in the tub too. Was the most fun grow i ever did! It was northern lights and i remember i had some guy from the agency come around like 2 weeks before harvest to check for rat feses, nl was quite low smelling so i just put a shower curtain to hide the plants and caned joints before and as he came in, he didnt notice them. A whole new meaning of stealth.
LMFAO! Oh god that is good, hiding in plain sight, they never even notice!