Let's get drunk!!!

Yeah those kpins are mixing well with the bud and booze, idk how long I'll last either but I'm feeling great right now haha. 5mg kpin, 12 shots of vodka, on my third bowl. I'm flyin'!!!

I do not watch the Walking Dead, yeah yeah I know. I honestly haven't watched a few popular shows like Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad. Just never wanted to start watching it 3 seaons in or something, never felt like starting them from season 1. I mean I got netflix I can watch it whenever, just never have started any of them. Someday I'm sure I will. Fucking took me forever to finally watched Weeds and I absolutely love it and miss the series and which they wouldn't of rushed the last season. I kicked all 6 or 7 seasons in like two weeks lol.

Sorry about that stomach shit again. You would think they would have something tto help that if they know it could happen after the surgery you know?
You have not LIVED...until you've seen Breaking Bad :shock: I was hooked from the first episode!!!
Fukin pants flapping in the wind driving that RV through the dessert like it was on fire!!! That was AWESOME!!!!
haha yeah same here, watched the whole first season in one sitting
Walter was amazing, Jessie too. I miss his "bitch" remarks, dude had me rotflmao every time :D

that damn ending was sad though you knew ol Walt had it coming from day one. :(

Me too!! totally addicted from day one, had heard of it but never got around to watching until I saw it on couchtuner while watching Walking Dead, way back when. I watched TWD first 2 seasons in less than a week. That show totally sucked me in from the first epi too.
breaking bad had a lot of what you would call "character"

i love how the show showed what ppl in real life are really like, like for example everybody has a dirty little secret in life, skyler smoked cigs even though she was pregnant, her bitchy sister was a kleptomaniac, and hanks illegal cuban cigars

i think in the show "the wire" the cop parts were extremely boring so it was unwatchable but how accurate they are of the drug game and the people involved is absolutely amazing.
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that dude is awesome!!....I have tried those other show's can't get into sci-fi...Even tho
i love Lord of the rings,harry pothead.....Love Eragon (the books) what ever happen to that movie?
breaking bad had a lot of what you would call "character"

i love how the show showed what ppl in real life are really like, like for example everybody has a dirty little secret in life, skyler smoked cigs even though she was pregnant, her bitchy sister was a kleptomaniac, and hanks illegal cuban cigars

i think in the show "the wire" the cop parts were extremely boring so it was unwatchable but how accurate they are of the drug game and the people involved is absolutely amazing.
The best part IMO (character wise) was Jessie was supposed to be the meth head scum bag...but he was the only character that had any kind of moral compass whatsoever :shock:
i found lord of the rings boring besides the newest one with the dwarfs, and same here i can't stand sci-fi, eragon the video game brings back really good memories though
Thats me right now....:eyesmoke:
i got a fat joint here and tiny bit of weed for a bong hit im gonna ripped now ina bit

i remember i was fuckin cooked one time watchin tv and this advertisement with relaxing music and a relaxing female voice instructing you how to buy movies i think and i was sat there with a big ol smile on my face Chinese eyed as the jesus and i was like "yeeeahh, totally maan" lmao i love the melted feeling