turning grinder keif into some melty goodness

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
So here's a little tech I've been using with success turning grinder keif and farmers keif to something memorable. I'm gonna list the supplies and steps for small amounts of grinder hash. Just increase container size for larger amounts.
Grinder keif ( my grinder holds about 5 grams keif)
Rocks glass
4-6 ice cubes
butter knife
unbleached coffee filter
Aeroserve permanent espresso filter ( i use this brand as they are 60 micron)
2nd rocks glass 3/4 full of water
Turkey baster

1. Fill empty rocks glass 1/2 full of water
2 add kief
3 crush 2 ice cubes and a
dd to glass
4 stir with butter knife for 5 minutes
5 add more crushed ice
6 let sit for 15 minutes occasionally lightly stirring keif off sides
7 let sit undisturbed for extra 5 minutes
8. Use turkey blaster to remove half water.
9 wipe inside up cup sides with towel to remove anything on sides
10. Drain rest of cup thru unbleached coffee filter
11. Place espresso filter over rocks glass
12 place hash from coffee filter into espresso filter
13 pour glass of water over filter slowly
14 empty bottom glass and repeat 2x
15. Take good product off espresso filter
16. Dry in cold room low humidity with fan for 3 hours
17 break up into powder or small pieces
18 finish drying and enjoy

I have used this method 10 times so far and have gotten dabble results 7 times
other 3 times had 3/4 melt (still much better then original)
Its just a slight variation on the common gravity tech but the results are great

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
My phone cam blows....ill post up a couple pics from phone. Have a buddy bringing 2 oz of farmer grade over tomorrow and a digital cam so ill take pics of whole process

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I usually wait til its full mine holds 4 or 5 g. Its something fun to do until I can use the bubblebags again lol


Well-Known Member
What do you think the yield is like? Out of your 5g do you get back about .5g? .3g? 1g? Since it's pretty good material going in.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Yeah its not a bad return. All and all its a neat trick. Figured theres plenty of folk who dont grow or have access to good trim but pretty much everyone has a grinder so now go out and make some melt!