help! boron, iron, & zinc deficiency!


Well-Known Member
My plants after putting in my own soil seems to have one or all of these missing! I did not add Epsom salts do I need that?
if new growth is yellow and leaves are yellowing at the base. that's iron def

if edges are yellowing and veins are dark . Thats mag def.

if light green on edges and moves inward. that's zinc def

if orange rust blotches appear thats boron.

mag - epsom salt or crab meal or gypsum or oyster shell flour

everything else - kelp meal
if new growth is yellow and leaves are yellowing at the base. that's iron def

if edges are yellowing and veins are dark . Thats mag def.

if light green on edges and moves inward. that's zinc def

if orange rust blotches appear thats boron.

mag - epsom salt or crab meal or gypsum or oyster shell flour

everything else - kelp meal
no rust spots, but everything else. i saw something about low humidity and underwatering can affect boron intake...

see thats the thing, i have a Good Amount of lime, gypsum, And oyster shells.

im making a heavy kelp tea tomorrow and feeding them and mulching them like i have been told to do but havent listened.! damnit why am i so stubnorn!
Due to cooler temps, my teas have been taking up to 5 days to become "active". When my tea water was in the 80's it took about 30+ hours. I have never seen results like I have making yeas this whole run. I'll never turn back. It made my soil actually work "live"...The plants got what they needed from the inoculated soil. I've got bottles of earth juice almost full still.
Due to cooler temps, my teas have been taking up to 5 days to become "active". When my tea water was in the 80's it took about 30+ hours. I have never seen results like I have making yeas this whole run. I'll never turn back. It made my soil actually work "live"...The plants got what they needed from the inoculated soil. I've got bottles of earth juice almost full still.
awesome yeah i didnt think about that.! earth juice?
kelp meal aerate for a day or 2. you can use some of it as a foliar too.

larva eat the roots. the flyers just look for water then drown them selves when they find it.
thanks will do. and i know and because they eat the roots they cause the plant to exhibit defiecencies
I love it:) a lot of people use the catalyst religiously. I think it's called x-tlyst or something In the u.k. I've got the whole organic lineup incase the girls need something I don't know the raw source of nutrient yet! I add it to my tea because I aerate my earth juice blends the same way...until the sweet smell of molasses turned into an earthy/almost fermented at times, but definitely gets an earthy scent as the sugars "eat" and process the beneficial bacteria in the worm castings etc...I THINK?:) Don't quote me on that one:)

Check out 3 little birds, or 3lbs earth juice. Some great information on the ingredients and use of earth juice. I feel like I'm cheating sometimes using a bottle.
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