Yesterday my friend and i each took a cimbination of 390 mg of DXM and 300 mg of benadryl (diphenhydramine HCL). We invited over our other friend to come watch over us. The trip started out the way dxm ussualy does, loss of coordination, dizzyness, mild euphoria, strange thoughts. Then the benadryl kicked in and i noticed my friends dartboard begin to spin. Then i saw a spider crawling in mid-air and the walls began to breathe. My friend had to hold me up on the way to the bathroom, and once i was in there i sat on the toilet for five minutes trying to decide if i really was in a bathroom or if i was dreaming. While in the bathroom i began to hear talk radio. I listened for a few minutes then realized there was no radio and i crawled back into the garage where i heard a party going on until i noticed only my two friends were there. I sat down and road out the rest of my trip. It was a pretty cool experience that i would try again. Next time though i will drink much more caffiene to prevent me from dozing off