Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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Well-Known Member
Echy got banned for saying Duke's wife was a chick with a dick. Why wasn't he afforded that same courtesy as your excuse? I'm sure it was all in fun.
here is the comment you made right before mine:

Animals will also kill a rival's offspring and rape the mother. Nature FTW!
thus, a follow up remark about you not masturbating while i terrorize your family seems to have been made with completely serious implications.

sketchy etchy was and still is a holocaust denier and an anti semite.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
here is the comment you made right before mine:

thus, a follow up remark about you not masturbating while i terrorize your family seems to have been made with completely serious implications.

sketchy etchy was and still is a holocaust denier and an anti semite.
Doer says the same things but against arabs. Not a jew, so who cares?


Well-Known Member
I'd say Obama fucked it up for another black president getting elected for a very long time. Yep, that failure will resonate for decades.


Well-Known Member
no, it's actually based on lower turnout and simple history, the party of the always loses seats.

but go on deluding yourself, it's cute and adds to the quality of your posts.
That's Ok Bucky, but I think your wrong and it's only a part of the reason. Plus I think your a poor judge of quality.

Maybe a poll is in order.


Well-Known Member
What failures?
For me, when he promised to work across the aisle and not operate like typical DC.

Adding cell phones to the Patriot Act was a game changer. This truly put us all under an illegal search and seizure. If I'm suspected of being a terrorist, take 30 seconds and get a warrant before you invade my privacy.

I think the biggest failure though is our relationship in the middle east. We keep bombing innocents over there. I honestly thought he would be different.

Not closing GITMO is a big deal to a lot of people, after he signed an executive order saying he would do so. For me, I don't care.

If you like your doctor... that one won him liar of the year, that's a HUGE failure.

Saying "I support gays right to marry..... but it's a state issue" was a pretty big copout to a lot of people. In fact, we have nuthangers of His bashing Rand Paul for saying the same thing "it's a state thing".

His stance on MJ is certainly disappointing. You would think he wouldn't allow people's lives to be ruined partaking in an activity he himself enjoyed.

That's just off the top of my head. You can google Obama failures, or Obama broken promises or Obama lies and those that are keeping score will give you pages of lists.

You can do this for any president, even those considered the best. For someone to say he hasn't had any failures means you are nothing more than a partisan hack.


Well-Known Member
For me, when he promised to work across the aisle and not operate like typical DC.
he put hundreds of republican amendments into the ARRA and PPACA and got no love for it.

why should he continue to work with people who stated outright that their only priority was to make him a one term president?

Adding cell phones to the Patriot Act was a game changer. This truly put us all under an illegal search and seizure. If I'm suspected of being a terrorist, take 30 seconds and get a warrant before you invade my privacy.
you never cried about the patriot act until a black man was in charge of it. your posting history on pocket fives proves this.

I think the biggest failure though is our relationship in the middle east. We keep bombing innocents over there. I honestly thought he would be different.
you can't be serious after not making a single peep after the million or so dead iraqis under bush.

fucking hypocrite.

Not closing GITMO is a big deal to a lot of people, after he signed an executive order saying he would do so.
blocked at every turn by the republicans you love so much.

If you like your doctor... that one won him liar of the year, that's a HUGE failure.
yeah, making junk policies illegal and giving people better insurance for less is certainly a failure.

Saying "I support gays right to marry..... but it's a state issue" was a pretty big copout to a lot of people. In fact, we have nuthangers of His bashing Rand Paul for saying the same thing "it's a state thing".
rend pawl says he hopes states will change "hearts and minds" to make marriage equality illegal.

obama says it is a matter of equal protection and the federal judges he has appointed are turning the tides on this issue in quick order. what is it, 35 states now?

unlike rend pawl, obama does not want this to go back to how it was.

to say they have the same stance is as retarded and dishonest as it gets. right on par for you, two face.

His stance on MJ is certainly disappointing. You would think he wouldn't allow people's lives to be ruined partaking in an activity he himself enjoyed.
obama has exceeded his promises on cannabis.

the only ones busted under obama's presidency were all way outside of state laws on the production side. that is not an activity obama ever took part in himself.

That's just off the top of my head.
you're a racist hypocrite who is as dishonest as it gets.

to try to say obama and your racist, neo-confederate hero rend pawl hold the same positions on marriage equality is just a perfect example of the sleazy lengths you will go to in order to make hay out of horse shit.


Well-Known Member
your posting history at pocketfives since 2006 shows that you only care about the patriot act or middle east deaths AFTER the black man became president.

if you could prove me wrong, you would.

your own posting history gives you up as the racist hypocrite you are.

go cry now, bitch.
I don't have to prove you wrong. I KNOW you are. I also know you are a creepy stalker guy.

Want to try to tell people here again that you aren't a stalker little creeper housebitch?

I'm not wasting time looking up anything for you. Just keep logging in there checking my posts and telling people you aren't stalking.

Low life weirdo. How many people are left here that believe anything you say? 2? 3?
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