Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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Well-Known Member
I don't have to prove you wrong. I KNOW you are. I
the guy who says rooting for marriage equality and appointing judges who will rule in favor of it is the same as rooting against marriage equality and appointing judges who will deny it just KNOWS i am lying.

anyone can go search your posts at and notice that you never bitch about the patriot act or middle eastern deaths until AFTER the black man became president.

your own posting history betrays you as a racist hypocrite. and everyone can see it.

go cry.


Well-Known Member
and for some reason the half a dozen posts where sheskunk calls me a "snitch" magically remain.
Even though you reported each and every one. :blsmoke:

no, i don't follow you.

the snitch allegation is a baseless one. whenever i ask for any evidence of it, you and your racist buddies produce zero evidence.

labeling you a racist after you cite and defend jared taylor is appropriate.

Looks like it isn't baseless anymore, you reported other members, many of us consider that snitching, in fact I'd most all members do.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it isn't baseless anymore, you reported other members, many of us consider that snitching, in fact I'd most all members do.
so then go ahead and keep calling me a snitch and see if it gets you banned (again), beenthere.


Well-Known Member
so then go ahead and keep calling me a snitch and see if it gets you banned (again), beenthere.
I didn't call you a snitch, so your bs of "keep calling" is baseless.
It's a fact that many on here consider it snitching when a member reports other members and can't fight their own battles.

You don't like it, then quit reporting members and man up..

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I didn't call you a snitch, so your bs of "keep calling" is baseless.
It's a fact that many on here consider it snitching when a member reports other members and can't fight their own battles.

You don't like it, then quit reporting members and man up..
It's hilarious. His Ginwilly thread got deleted,.not even locked!


Well-Known Member
no, just wondering about greatwhitenorth's standards of moderation.
That's called fair an unbiased.

I can't believe a guy like you who continuously trolls and calls people names, turns around and whines like a little bitch when the shoe is on the other foot.
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