trim job!

hulaco fuzhigu

New Member
Trimming is an art in itself!! U might find yourself looking in the mirror and asking "how the fuck do I trim like a pro"? Not to worry sunshine will correct your mistakes....In this simple three step tutorial you will learn how it's done....

step one(1)!! Grow bud or buy some.

Step scissors or borrow some...

Step three(3). Get your bud and cut off all the nasty shit...View attachment 3286673real growers and professional trimmers usually drink heavy whipping cream while all this is happeningView attachment 3286676
But if you're out half and half will do!!..

When you're all done your buds should look like this!!! View attachment 3286678 if it looks any different you're doing it wrong and should reevaluate your life immediately. ..
Maybe you should trim your pussy sunshine

Magic Mike

Well-Known Member
here you go mr sunshine, I thought everybody knew about whipping cream or 1/2 &1/2 thats newbi shit..
I guess its good to have a tutorial though ,

just a shout out FYI for thread continuity & info the cream is to make you a faster trimmer.. It does something to the hands . I got some organic 1/2& 1/2 from my last session,
