A few questions about outdoor growing


Well-Known Member
What is the ideal humidity?
Is it true plants dont grow in temps over like 90f or so?
and what exactly is frost? im thinking its when its too cold and the plant dies, well how cold does it have to be? 50f?


Well-Known Member
well that is a tough one to answer,
i get very hot summers gets to 130 deg f,but mostly it is a dry heat we get the odd humid day but thats it.my plants seem to thrive out here,full sun all day.
and my friend grows more coastal and it is quite humid and his seem to thrive as well..
i think it will just about grow any where
frost is when you walk outside in the morning and the lawn cracks underfoot,bloody cold ...:-)


Well-Known Member
The ideal humidity is low enough, so that the air isn't solid water. :D Don't worry about humidity.

Certain strains of cannabis do poorly in 90+ degree weather, but most can handle 100+ degrees. Don't worry about that, for the most part. Just make sure there's plenty of water.

And frost is fairly self explanatory. When the temp drops low enough for water to freeze (32F, but sometimes a couple of degrees higher if there's wind). This is very bad, because the water in your plant can freeze, and kill it.


Well-Known Member
If you're using bagseed surprise chances are it's from some locally grown weed so it will handle your climate well...plus outside plants adapt to the weather.. My plants have an AC blowing the exhaust on them and humidity here (as high as 100%) is high at times and I've never had any heat problems... frost is the chilled condensation on plants ..etc.. frost is not freezing..I've had plants outside in December... luck..

South Texas

Well-Known Member
60% humidity is ideal. Here, it's 75 to 90%, but with outdoor plants, as long as they get plenty of wind, no problem. With 95 to 98 temp. around here, I had to place plants in partial shade, & water heavily every other day. Some seed companies give good descriptions of each strain; Heat resistance, easy to clone, etc.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies
in the summer here its usually 20% humidity in the day can be lower too and like 90f i was just worried the humidity should be higher


Well-Known Member
frost is the chilled condensation on plants ..etc.. frost is not freezing..I've had plants outside in December... luck..
Chills the condensation to freezing, otherwise it wouldn't be frost. It'd just be cold condensation. :p Plants in frost isn't good. Yes, some can survive, but many can't. It's safer just to not risk it.