Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.


Well-Known Member
I guess all these leading scientists are part of the skeptic conspiracy.
You're the one that believes in a global conspiracy involving tens to hundreds of thousands of people

What's more likely, that, or a filmmaker who opposes ACC could round up a handful of people older than my grandfather to agree with his opinion on camera, 2 of which released public statements condemning Durkins portrayal of their opinions in the film?


Well-Known Member
You're the one that believes in a global conspiracy involving tens to hundreds of thousands of people

What's more likely, that, or a filmmaker who opposes ACC could round up a handful of people older than my grandfather to agree with his opinion on camera, 2 of which released public statements condemning Durkins portrayal of their opinions in the film?
what's funny is that lindzen absolutely accepts the fact that human activities are contributing to a rise in global temps.


Well-Known Member
what's funny is that lindzen absolutely accepts the fact that human activities are contributing to a rise in global temps.
Just like NASA and the IPCC, but I guess beenthere hasn't gotten that memo, what with all the internetting he's doing to secure his citizen-scientist degree..


Well-Known Member
Really? Perhaps you would care to participate in an experiment where I bombard you with Xrays for a few hours, or maybe take a close-up tour of the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor? They're pulling the rods out now.
You may feel a wee bit o' nausea...but we'll settle this particle-shmarticle thing, once and for all.
pffft I personally entombed Chernobyl, no effects whatsoever, Radiation is for the plebs!!


Well-Known Member
Well if you do read it, read the part called Effect Exceeds Cause.

You'll be surprised to learn that by agreeing with Milankovitch, you admit that the ice caps are indeed vanishing and that warming is in fact occurring. You would also therefore have to surmise that the entire scientific community is aware of Milankovitch's theory.

We would have an actual debate.
Wow, you totally do not understand our position here do you? Nope, not at all.
Anyone here claim that the earth is NOT warming? Nope, pretty sure its warming up, all the evidence says so.
Anyone here claim that the warming is all the fault of people breathing and living? Just you guys.

I want PROOF that this warming trend = bad for the world and that it is 100% the fault of people, not the sun, not the rotational axis, not normal earth cycles etc etc etc.

You can post all the evidence in the world that the earth is warming and I will agree wholeheartedly, now if you could just prove that it meant death to us all as the ecoloons have been telling us for the last decade.

The last decade has been the BEST growing I have ever had, bumper crops every year.

If you ask me, this warming trend is FUCKING AWESOME!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, you totally do not understand our position here do you? Nope, not at all.
Anyone here claim that the earth is NOT warming? Nope, pretty sure its warming up, all the evidence says so.
Anyone here claim that the warming is all the fault of people breathing and living? Just you guys.

I want PROOF that this warming trend = bad for the world and that it is 100% the fault of people, not the sun, not the rotational axis, not normal earth cycles etc etc etc.

You can post all the evidence in the world that the earth is warming and I will agree wholeheartedly, now if you could just prove that it meant death to us all as the ecoloons have been telling us for the last decade.

The last decade has been the BEST growing I have ever had, bumper crops every year.

If you ask me, this warming trend is FUCKING AWESOME!!
If there was still rep, the post quoted above would be deserving of max rep.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to legitimize Dr Richard Lindzen, including the fact he was the IPCC's lead author.
Alarmists and their minions won't accept science that dissents from the AGW religion, you three are a testament to this.
And to claim Linzen accepts human activities are contributing to a rise in global temps is flat out misleading and dishonest. His current stance is that co2 may contribute to minimal rises in temperature.

Id like to know where AC, padaraper and UB get all their data and graphs that support their alarmist views, would that be the internet? LOL

Finally, the most hilarious observation I've made on this thread is the fact how Heckler mocks you three in his own subtle way and you are unwilling to engage in debate with him.
This only illustrates your own lack of confidence in understanding the science you proclaim to so proficient in.

Trust me, the laughs are on you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you totally do not understand our position here do you? Nope, not at all.
Anyone here claim that the earth is NOT warming? Nope, pretty sure its warming up, all the evidence says so.
Anyone here claim that the warming is all the fault of people breathing and living? Just you guys.

I want PROOF that this warming trend = bad for the world and that it is 100% the fault of people, not the sun, not the rotational axis, not normal earth cycles etc etc etc.

You can post all the evidence in the world that the earth is warming and I will agree wholeheartedly, now if you could just prove that it meant death to us all as the ecoloons have been telling us for the last decade.

The last decade has been the BEST growing I have ever had, bumper crops every year.

If you ask me, this warming trend is FUCKING AWESOME!!
That is only your position. Plenty of the deniers have claimed that the ice caps are not vanishing and that the earth is not warming. I'm just pointing out that if any of you take up Milankovitch, you are switching positions.

Indeed at that point, all one has to do is prove that it is being accelerated by human activity and suddenly you have been fully convinced that ACC is factual even if you still refuse to admit it.

Now go back and read the part that says Effect Exceeds Cause. Read it several times if you must.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to legitimize Dr Richard Lindzen, including the fact he was the IPCC's lead author.
Alarmists and their minions won't accept science that dissents from the AGW religion, you three are a testament to this.
And to claim Linzen accepts human activities are contributing to a rise in global temps is flat out misleading and dishonest. His current stance is that co2 may contribute to minimal rises in temperature.

Id like to know where AC, padaraper and UB get all their data and graphs that support their alarmist views, would that be the internet? LOL

Finally, the most hilarious observation I've made on this thread is the fact how Heckler mocks you three in his own subtle way and you are unwilling to engage in debate with him.
This only illustrates your own lack of confidence in understanding the science you proclaim to so proficient in.

Trust me, the laughs are on you.
I see you liked NoDrama's post. So you are changing your position eh? You now admit that the ice caps are vanishing and that warming is continuing. I can't be misunderstanding this since you agree with Milankovitch. Getting way closer to check mate.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to legitimize Dr Richard Lindzen, including the fact he was the IPCC's lead author.
Alarmists and their minions won't accept science that dissents from the AGW religion, you three are a testament to this.
And to claim Linzen accepts human activities are contributing to a rise in global temps is flat out misleading and dishonest. His current stance is that co2 may contribute to minimal rises in temperature.

Id like to know where AC, padaraper and UB get all their data and graphs that support their alarmist views, would that be the internet? LOL

Finally, the most hilarious observation I've made on this thread is the fact how Heckler mocks you three in his own subtle way and you are unwilling to engage in debate with him.
This only illustrates your own lack of confidence in understanding the science you proclaim to so proficient in.

Trust me, the laughs are on you.
lindzen would call heckler's views on CO2 "nutty".

but good job on trying to convince yourself that the laughs are on us as you flail so wildly.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here claim that the earth is NOT warming? Nope, pretty sure its warming up, all the evidence says so.
actually, yes.

beenthere and harrekin are saying it hasn't warmed in 20 years. NLXSK and red1966 claim the earth is cooling.

Anyone here claim that the warming is all the fault of people breathing and living? Just you guys.
and NASA too.

and 34 national academies of science.

hell, even the people in beenthere's video say so.

I want PROOF that this warming trend = bad for the world and that it is 100% the fault of people, not the sun, not the rotational axis, not normal earth cycles etc etc etc.
science provides evidence, not proof. science can't prove a damn thing.

but thanks for demonstrating your lack of understanding.