

Well-Known Member
I saw this being advertised as etizolam 2. So I just decided to buy 100 of em to have laying around. AFTER I purchased them, I read all sorts of horrible reviews on them saying that they were basically inactive.
I have zero benzo tolerance(unlike all the accounts I read where their tolerance is obviously very high[and those people tend to not be affected by etizolam much anyways, just wanting bars...)

I was dissapointed thinking, man these are going to be bunk when I get them.. So I ordered 100 etizolam too because they were having a 50% off deal to get rid of all of them before the bans. Well...
DESCHLOROETIZOLAM WORKS. Because I am very faded. Took 12mg and man.. Completely empty stomach.. THEY WORK.


These will be nice to have laying around, I hate coming home on too much acid or something and not being able to sleep until 10am.
Too many pills.. I sense a very unmemorable next few months. I hope I can control myself this time.

Problem is, I just feel fucked up.. lol it's gonna be hard to do work this afternoon.. Oh well though, I tripped my balls off the other day at work and it's totally okay. No one cares. Glad to have the job that I do.

Grateful dead sounds so amazing :)
Love ya'll!
Cept Educk, he's a fggt
That's a helluva word. 12mg, how many mg is each pill or a regular dose? I haven't heard of it yet, gonna have to read about it. Have fun and be safe! :D
That's a helluva word. 12mg, how many mg is each pill or a regular dose? I haven't heard of it yet, gonna have to read about it. Have fun and be safe! :D
Right? Haha all these RC's have some crazy names..
Deschloroetizolam isn't too bad compared to some of the others..

You can either buy them in 3, 6 or 12mg pills. I bought the 3mg because I always go with the lowest and took 4 expecting to need to take around ten(according to the reading I did on other forums..) just to be safe, only 4. Thank god. I wouldn't be able to walk if I took 30mg.
Read about it! You'll see vastly negative reviews, but I can tell you, if you have no tolerance.. And an empty stomach.. They'll getcha for sure. Next time I'm only taking 9mg.

Oh you know me Skuxx, I aint dead yet!
Nice, how does it compare to other benzos?
What would you say 12mg is equivalent with other benzos?
Hmm, I'd say that 12mg feels as if I took about 3 etizolam. Price wise(as of now) It's not worth it because etizolam is much cheaper. but eti is about to go bye bye that's why I jumped on it. Had to jump on that deal too because etizolam is kind of special, might as well have em before they go away.
The only RC's that I've liked enough to buy twice are bk-2c-b, etizolam and MXE. MXE is now illegal which sucks and methoxphenidine isn't too.. 'magical' of a dissociative however I did like it a little bit. Bizarre stuff man, it'd be interesting to take a psychedelic with.

bk-2c-b I'd seriously try, that one is absolutely awesome. Nice and laid back, feels like you're getting a tingly massage. AND COLORS TOO! :3 I'd take that in public to have a better time. Where as LSD I'd take in public to have an uncomfortable(but funny, interesting) time. the bk is very entactogenic and going to work where drugs are absolutely not acceptable, you'd totally get away with it. You'd even have a better time than usual!
"coming home on too much acid or something and not being able to sleep until 10am. "
interesting concept,too much acid....
"coming home on too much acid or something and not being able to sleep until 10am. "
interesting concept,too much acid....
You've always got somethin to say dontcha Rory


Joking of course, but man falling asleep at 10am messes me up for a few days! And I like my sleep :) Of course it really is never constant in retrospect. So.. Really I guess it doesn't matter and I'll just eat etizolam after an acid trip if I want to because I enjoy eggs and bacon with morning air. I also hate the morning. But I like to do them for some reason it makes me feel like a real person, it's mainly because bacon and eggs are good specifically in the morning for some reason. I'll even do something as crazy as drink coffee.
You've always got somethin to say dontcha Rory


Joking of course, but man falling asleep at 10am messes me up for a few days! And I like my sleep :) Of course it really is never constant in retrospect. So.. Really I guess it doesn't matter and I'll just eat etizolam after an acid trip if I want to because I enjoy eggs and bacon with morning air. I also hate the morning. But I like to do them for some reason it makes me feel like a real person, it's mainly because bacon and eggs are good specifically in the morning for some reason. I'll even do something as crazy as drink coffee.
on the contrary,ive never said neither,as i dont know if youve eaten more or listened more...but,you gave your hand away :-D
i kinda like the krispy morning after..i usually loaf around the house doing things with the extra energy all day,till the eve..then hit
the hay early..bacon and eggs sound ok..ive had those huge ihop breakfasts while coming down..order the whole damn menu,and eat 5
I very highly doubt that I've eaten more acid or listened to the dead more than you, rory. I just figured it'd be funny to say haha
Eggs and bacon really are good any time.. I eat so many damn eggs that it's ridiculous.

You know though, early morning trippin diner eats are kind of a hit and miss. Most of the time I'll eat it all in two seconds. But sometimes.. Yeah I guess 5 bites or so, depends on time and dosage.. Last meal..
My appetite gets messed up for the entire next day after acid. Unless it was a mediocre dose... I've eaten a tub of ice cream on a small dose. It became a mission to eat it all lol
i remember eating just a few too many pink gels at wilmers park..went back to the camp to chill and TRY to come down a tad.started snacking on chips,and i guess subliminally i thought i could "eat" away the trip,like you can herb..big mistake..i ended up bloated,with a worse "turkey belly" than jack black on the mayflower of marijuana:-) was downright uncomfortable,the doritos swelled up...bad idea..
high|hgih11049900 said:
I very highly doubt that I've eaten more acid or listened to the dead more than you, rory. I just figured it'd be funny to say haha
Eggs and bacon really are good any time.. I eat so many damn eggs that it's ridiculous.

You know though, early morning trippin diner eats are kind of a hit and miss. Most of the time I'll eat it all in two seconds. But sometimes.. Yeah I guess 5 bites or so, depends on time and dosage.. Last meal..
i tend not to be boisterious about acid eating..i say here what i consume cause its true,but im a different casual user,but ive found if you get cocky with lsd,you get put in your place real quick...its that kinda substance that demand respect and humbleness....
you can NEVER listen to too much grateful dead.medicine for your ears.
Really Canndo? They're so groovy though :) Ah well.

There is no point about bragging but.. Man.. The sheet that I had of this needlepoint was measured a bit too big and had a little extra when I measured it out, so the strip on the end is probably 15 hits. These blotters are mic'd really fucking high too. Some of my friends will only eat half of one. the most I have eaten of these is three and it was crazy. But I remember the last big dosage I took was ten albert hoffman blotters. I thought it was going to be scary, took me quite a minute to just throw that in my mouth. Then.. It was blissful. I wanted to know what 25 was like.
These needles are stronger though. My friend who gave me them said he had an ego death type thing result from 5 and he ate 10 the other day, haven't talk to him since due to a broken phone. Gonna have to pop by after work or something and get more of an explanation of how it was. He said it was absolutely magical.

Can't wait to put that in me mouth.