First grow 5 weeks in flower


Well-Known Member
No pic yet but I'm using plant magic + coco, what do u think might be the problem, too small pot maybe?
Yea it dawned on me yesterday.... One of your biggest problems i had the same problem which was very unwise... Not only may it be that your pot is too small but the problem is the one inces of perlite at the bottom. Its killing her roots bro. I did it with smashed cans. The roots arent getting the proper nutrients and oxygen. A good deal of root bounded. Also how long have you had her in that pot?


Well-Known Member
No pic yet but I'm using plant magic + coco, what do u think might be the problem, too small pot maybe?
Yea it dawned on me yesterday.... One of your biggest problems i had the same problem which was very unwise... Not only may it be that your pot is too small but the problem is the one inces of perlite at the bottom. Its killing her roots bro. I did it with smashed cans. The roots arent getting the proper nutrients and oxygen. A good deal of root bounded. Also how long have you had her in that pot?


Well-Known Member
So by the pics and what you told us its that your roots have no where to go but into the harshness of the perlite which must really suck for them. You were getting too much heat which caused the folding of leaves and the yellow oranges spots i truly believe is from the roots running or grinding into the perlite and savoring on the nutes only that trickles down to them. Rather you have holes for drainage or not the perlite at the bottom that you may have thought would help drainage to keep from overwatering is not good at all. So you may have to do the dreaded thing that we never want to do..... Emergency transplant into fresh soil and bigger pot for rom. I do believe that this can be done successfully with a very strategic touch. Some roots may be injured by i dont think it will cause death to plant, I learned that cannabis plant is very strong. But i dont know how this will effect her flowering timing. This is where I would like to get a second opinion other than mine. Vstok where are you?


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling the pots a bit small but worried about transplanting this far in but I think it may have to be done. I do have holes in the bottom as well for drainage plus check run off water which is always around ph 5.8-6.2. Here are some pics 11 hours after watering with cal-mag ph 5.8. Buds are looking quite good I think, they're very smelly and quite sticky. Also been Only pot used, I don't have pics as they were on my old phone


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Active Member
I think the sudden change of light could be the problem.
I recently added a Vipar 300 to my tent and noticed some leaf stress in the first week.
I was also expecting cal/mag defs,which i got after about a week under the led.
Somehow the led`s cause the plant to use more cal/mag,so its good you have cal/mag ready.Ive had to double my cal/mag supplement over 2 weeks to keep up.
Im only using my led at half power atm with a 250w hps.


Well-Known Member
GL.[/QUOTE] I thought that too Robro when i saw the pot. Also what would you say about the one inch perlite at the bottom?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
There are tons of folks on here that grow in 100% perlite with awesome results. I'm not sure what the concern is about some perlite at the bottom of the container.


Well-Known Member
Not sure...don't see why that would be a problem..??
Well i kind of had the same problem but with different type of solution to try and make better drainage for overwater prevention. When i pulled my girl out her roots were grounded into so called drainage helper and they had a brown bruised look to them.


Well-Known Member
There are tons of folks on here that grow in 100% perlite with awesome results. I'm not sure what the concern is about some perlite at the bottom of the container.
Ok i never knew about growing in perlite i had the notion it was good for drainage but thats about it. Also i thought it to be like rocks which was said by good growers as well that its not good to placerocks at the bottom. So thats a lack of knowledge on my part this is why i was sending flags for other opinions respectfully.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, just trying to help diagnose SeanySmokes problems and delema so that he can pull onto a smooth road and glide peacefully the rest of flower stage on his grow. This is still my first grow but ido know running into problems in mid to late flower can be a hindrance.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Still not sure about repotting at the moment I might make a decision in the morning on that one, regarding heat stress I'm going to raise light by a couple inches first thing and see if it helps. Also hoping I might see improvement after Shes had nice drink and a good sleep


Active Member
I thought that too Robro when i saw the pot. Also what would you say about the one inch perlite at the bottom?[/QUOTE]
Ive grew with perlite on the bottom,mainly to keep fungus gnats out with no problems.
I dont see any reason to repot.
I believe they will get better with cal/mag,its just a case of getting the dosage right.
Im giving mine 2ml/L of Plant Magic Magnecal,which is double what i normally give and
thats been every water/feed so far.