Cocaine and me.


Well-Known Member
hallucinogens arnt fun. Ive taken shrooms twice and didnt like those either. The best drug in the world is thc. stop smoking for a 5 weeks, then try smoking a bleeezy rolled in oil or without, with all your good buddies. nothing makes me trip like good ol thc rolled up in a grape swisher

Eh, i think it's all about the person using the hallucinogens.. i pesonally love the trip. But other people really hate being able to see stuff and don't get into it enough and start having a bad tripp.

And on the flip side.. i was watching intevention about this crack addicted mom, and she kept hearing things and had conspirisies? about the fbi wanting trying to get her every chance they get.. so continious use of concaine can produce hallucinoinations


New Member
You must have a big build or something.. 22 in one night.. I mean I thought I was nuts for taking 8 triple stacks in one night. That's insane. I'm surprised you didn't turn out mentally retarded. But then again, I heard of this one guy that took E every day for 40 years and it didn't effect him until late in life.


Well-Known Member
6ft 14stone i think i was nearer 12stone on the said night though. I think i was that high i didnt think of the consequences or anything, it was like 'youv got e? yeah man il take 4 at once watch this' I dont do any drugs like that anymore though, tey seriously fuck with your mental wellbeing, just shrooms n pot for me :)


Well-Known Member
Just don't get carried away with it... Shit's too expensive. Your parents were right though... Coke is nothing to be fucked with. But yeah just do it like once a month or the experience isn't as good. IMO anyway.

yeah cuz we all know that plan works out with blow! HAHAHA


New Member
yeah cuz we all know that plan works out with blow! HAHAHA

lmao yeah I thought of that after I said that.... I remember I always used to saw the same thing.. 'Only once a month!!' Then I would do it like 4 times in that week.. That's why coke is gay. You spend so much and the effect doesn't last long enough. The effect itself is what makes you waste even more of it. But damn I want a line now.


Well-Known Member
Eh, i think it's all about the person using the hallucinogens.. i pesonally love the trip. But other people really hate being able to see stuff and don't get into it enough and start having a bad tripp.

And on the flip side.. i was watching intevention about this crack addicted mom, and she kept hearing things and had conspirisies? about the fbi wanting trying to get her every chance they get.. so continious use of concaine can produce hallucinoinations

Well, a lot of drugs can produce drug-induced psychosis if you do it in excessive amounts. I have a friend who is actually literally going crazy from doing too much LSD and Ecstacy. Now mind you, he may have developed it regardless of doing all those drugs, but it definitely helped to propell the illness.


New Member
There is this guy named Francis that hangs out in the city. He lives in this caretaker's house... He did way too much acid in his day, and now he is an incoherent babbling idiot. He bit off his own tongue so no one understands him... He like follows people around and it's a little creepy.


Well-Known Member
Let's remember that just because someone is suffering from a mental disorder, it doesn't make them an idiot. My friend was pretty much normal before all this, and now I honestly think he's developed full blown schizophrenia. But I'm not going to hate on him just because he is struggling.


New Member
I don't hate Francis.. I was just getting the point across that he sounds like a babbling idiot. If someone didn't know his background, that's what they would call him. I'm actually one of the few people that talks to him and keeps him company.


New Member
That is true, but unfortunately I didn't figure that out until I wasted hundreds of dollars on it. I guess some people can only learn from experience.


Well-Known Member
There is this guy named Francis that hangs out in the city. He lives in this caretaker's house... He did way too much acid in his day, and now he is an incoherent babbling idiot. He bit off his own tongue so no one understands him... He like follows people around and it's a little creepy.

Too much of any drug will have long term, negative effects.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate Francis.. I was just getting the point across that he sounds like a babbling idiot. If someone didn't know his background, that's what they would call him. I'm actually one of the few people that talks to him and keeps him company.
Oh I wasn't trying to imply anything like that. I was just saying how a lot of people are.