If your only choice for seed delivery is your personal address, do you do it?


Well-Known Member
Bluntus, chill-out man, your classic paranoid stoner! you will be fine, we all have rolled the dice for the love of ganja, if your this nervous about ordering the seeds--I can't imagine how the grow will go.....:)


Well-Known Member
We are not allowed to grow hemp, I doubt we are allowed to have the seeds. Hemp seeds and cannabis seeds are much different. Hemp has such a low THC content that you can't even get high on it. The stuff we are ordering is completely different.
If you had seeds ordered to your house, and they were confiscated, I'm sure thats probable cause for a warrant, so slamming the door in the cops faces would not do you any good. Unless you'd rather them just kick in the door costing you more money.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
Bluntus, chill-out man, your classic paranoid stoner! you will be fine, we all have rolled the dice for the love of ganja, if your this nervous about ordering the seeds--I can't imagine how the grow will go.....:)
Heh...yeah....I shouldn't have read that thread on this bbs about surviving prison...it harshed my mellow.


Well-Known Member
We are not allowed to grow hemp, I doubt we are allowed to have the seeds. Hemp seeds and cannabis seeds are much different. Hemp has such a low THC content that you can't even get high on it. The stuff we are ordering is completely different.
If you had seeds ordered to your house, and they were confiscated, I'm sure thats probable cause for a warrant, so slamming the door in the cops faces would not do you any good. Unless you'd rather them just kick in the door costing you more money.

They are not different. They are both seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, whose seeds are legal to posses in the united states. There is no law that prohibits the possession of "dank ass seeds". It's all the same.


Well-Known Member
If we are allowed to have seeds, then why do they confiscate them? If we are allowed to have seeds, why don't they sell them in the super markets? If we can have seeds, why do people get busted for possession for having a seed in their car? I do not think you are right when it comes to this issue.
There have been many court battles over growing industrial hemp. This is hemp, with almost 0% THC. I believe they finally won one of the battles, but I think you have to be licensed by the state to grow it. And I don't think its legal federally, I think the state is allowing it.
If hemp seeds and "dank ass" weed seeds were legal to posses, then they would be legal to sell. If they were legal to sell, you would see them for sale here in the US. Due to the fact that you can't buy them here in the US and they confiscate any seeds they find coming into the US, leads me to believe that it is illegal to posses or purchase them.


New Member
They are not different. They are both seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, whose seeds are legal to posses in the united states. There is no law that prohibits the possession of "dank ass seeds". It's all the same.

I don't know what state you live in but I live in IL and they will haul your ass in over seeds. I've know lots of people it's happended to.

Back when I was in HS (25 yeas ago) I guy I knew got busted and he had a little kings ale bottle full to the top with seeds and that helped totally fuck him. He didn't have much shit on him, but the seeds put him away. The even had a large pic of the bottle full of seeds on the front page of our small town newspaper. :hump:

Triple Beam

Active Member
I live in the NE US and if you get caught with seeds you're going to a jail house wedding. I had the first two attemps seized by customs in Chicago. I used a fake name an a good address, bad move. Talked to some good people at Hempdepot and Highgrade Seeds, they told me about what I did wrong and what causes customs to look a little closer at your package. I gave it another go and in two weeks I had seeds in my possesion. Give them an email if you want some seeds. Subcool has some posts on this site about his strains. You can find them at Hempdepot. You can't go wrong with the TGA choice.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
I live in the NE US and if you get caught with seeds you're going to a jail house wedding. I had the first two attemps seized by customs in Chicago. I used a fake name an a good address, bad move. Talked to some good people at Hempdepot and Highgrade Seeds, they told me about what I did wrong and what causes customs to look a little closer at your package. I gave it another go and in two weeks I had seeds in my possesion.
Could you elaborate a bit more on the "what causes customs to look," or is that kind of information we don't want to put out here?

Anyway, I'm on week 3 of waiting, no seeds, but no notifications from customs, either. Did the "fake name on a good address" thing that you have indicated was wrong to do. crap.

I'm also crazy enough to consider ordering again, from a different company.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered with my regular CC that's in my name, and shipped them to my home address... I just don't give a fuck.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
Well, so far I'm 0-2 in the seed ordering business.

First order was to my address using fake name. Used my own credit card. Order became over a month old on Thursday.

Second order (different seedbank) was my real name, my own address (natch), and using one of those gift credit card things (which I still had to register online, so not sure how much that helped in the long run). That order is 10 days old, so I'm hoping, but this seedbank is one that everyone says "got mine in a week!" or "got mine in 6 days," so I'm worried.

I've been reading these boards for a while now, and was all eager to get my new hobby going. I even found out the other day that the previous home owner had an electric outlet installed in the closet (hmmm...wonder what he did that for? :blsmoke:)

Not going to name the seedbanks, because they are in the "usual suspects" category, and they've worked for lots of folks, from what I can tell. Could be my bad luck.

If order number two doesn't get here within the next two weeks, I'm not sure what to do. No letters from customs, yet.



Well-Known Member
Just order them under your old name Since you were never in possession of them there is no problem not to mention that you could always say that someone must have goten your name and address from somewhere and had them shipped to your address there is literally 100000 excuses why they were being shipped to your address with you name


Well-Known Member
man if you scared go to church! i say fuck the police! u aint going to jail for no fuckin seeds man... The Attitude Cannabis Seeds Marijuana Seeds<<< is the place to go... got my seeds in 8 days!! use my real name used a pre paid visa everything is all good my dude!! u think the feds gon come to yo door for some seeds?? come on lets keep it real .. jus be dont worry and yo shit will get there.... love peace and pot!!!

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
Church doesn't work for me thanks, but one of the packs of seeds I ordered was "the church" by GHS, funnily enough.

I'm not as "scared" anymore, as I am just kind of annoyed. The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is I would hate for my girlfriend to go through any shit because of me. But anyway, right now I'm worried about being out $250 or so, with nothing to show for it.

Wondering if I should try again, not because of authorities, but because of the cash that has been lost.

Just venting, btw, thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
On a side note, when I went to Amsterdam and came back this year, I didn't bring anything back, and I'm kicking myself for that decision. Customs was so lax I could have brought back every seed imaginable.....
Word up on that LOL! I couldn't believe how easy it was. I figured they would be tearing through everything, silly naive me.


Well-Known Member
Well, so far I'm 0-2 in the seed ordering business.

First order was to my address using fake name. Used my own credit card. Order became over a month old on Thursday.

Second order (different seedbank) was my real name, my own address (natch), and using one of those gift credit card things (which I still had to register online, so not sure how much that helped in the long run). That order is 10 days old, so I'm hoping, but this seedbank is one that everyone says "got mine in a week!" or "got mine in 6 days," so I'm worried.

I've been reading these boards for a while now, and was all eager to get my new hobby going. I even found out the other day that the previous home owner had an electric outlet installed in the closet (hmmm...wonder what he did that for? :blsmoke:)

Not going to name the seedbanks, because they are in the "usual suspects" category, and they've worked for lots of folks, from what I can tell. Could be my bad luck.

If order number two doesn't get here within the next two weeks, I'm not sure what to do. No letters from customs, yet.

I have had a recent order from an unnamed seedbank go 6 weeks and then make it to me fine and dandy. Also, I think that there are some people in the postal service who are taking it upon themselves to figure out the return addresses of the seedbanks and scooping them up since I have heard reports of a number of orders from a different unnamed seedbank being confirmed shipped but then NEVER showing up....no letters, no visits, no nothing.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Well, so far I'm 0-2 in the seed ordering business.

First order was to my address using fake name. Used my own credit card. Order became over a month old on Thursday.

Second order (different seedbank) was my real name, my own address (natch), and using one of those gift credit card things (which I still had to register online, so not sure how much that helped in the long run). That order is 10 days old, so I'm hoping, but this seedbank is one that everyone says "got mine in a week!" or "got mine in 6 days," so I'm worried.

Hang in there..... my order took 13 days. :eyesmoke: