keep it simple stupid!!! great growing soil is easy


Active Member
hey guys, been seeing tons and tons of beginners asking for types of soil. I know the fox farms is known as one of the best, but I have found something that I think beats it...

1 part Fafard potting mix
1 part Fafard shrimp and seaweed compost
1/2 part peat moss

This is a fairly simple blend, but I have found that it is excellent. all of my plants are growing fast, extremly healthy, and with the soils hi water retension, if it doesnt rain for 3 days, I don't sweat it, I have found that only after 5 days of 85 degree weather, no rain but all bright sun, it only started to wilt after this. give it a shot, I know I will never look at anything else, plus its cheap, and all the stores have it.


Well-Known Member
fafard? is that the brand? Ive never heard of it. ill have to look 4 it. post some pics to show how they are doing so far. good luck


Active Member
lol, thats pretty funny. Il throw up some pics of my grow so you guys can see for yourself. Even four of my plants were run over by a giant field mower and even after just 5 days, they are starting to grow again, they were transplanted and even still there growing, thats nuts