Cuttings dont root :(

Do you have to root cutting inside under a light? e.g CFL or LED? I tried a while ago outside in a small container with holes but they didnt root, oddly enough they didnt die tho, if you can root them outside can someone please give me some pointers? cheers


Well-Known Member
Rooting gel will help, like Clonex will fix that issue, it has hormones that tell plant to make roots. If your taking clones off mother then putting in a small container don't fertilize b4 u cut clones, if clones are hungry they will make roots to search for food,

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
temperature is everything when cloning, not to cold and not to hot. you can root without gel, but it does help.
if you keep watering the cut, it is always watered and won't work to bust roots which search for moisture and nutrients.
putting inside a sealed container with humidity dome will also help.


Well-Known Member
Do you have to root cutting inside under a light? e.g CFL or LED? I tried a while ago outside in a small container with holes but they didnt root, oddly enough they didnt die tho, if you can root them outside can someone please give me some pointers? cheers
When someone comes to me wondering why they suck at cloning, it usually ends up being a temperature problem.
Make sure the inside of box stays between 80F-85F
And/or, if using some sort of cube to root in: make sure they remain slightly warm to the touch.(not hot, not cold)


Well-Known Member
First off, make sure you feed the plant well and wait about an hour or a bit more, so your cuts will be well hydrated. Try to take cuts from as low on the plant as possible ( more mature) and when you cut, quickly dip in water and then a rooting hormone of some kind and then get them under a humidity dome and mist a few times a day for the first week ( they have to drink from the leaves for several days before the roots start)
I have had 100% success with the last 4 batches of clones going this route.
They have got to be kept a little warm, but they really need to be under a dome for a few days so they can drink up from the higher humidity. After 5 days, I start to take the dome of for a couple of hours each day. By the end of 8 days or so, they can start to be fed nutes again, They were eating about 650-700ppm when I took them, so I start with at least 400-500ppm of nutes after that and in a few more days, they can start eating what they were eating when you took them.

Peace and Great Cloning



Well-Known Member
I built a shelf over my t5 s the heat from the lights works for clones and seeds,make sure the mother plant is well hydrated,before you take clips and use a dome for a week....


Well-Known Member
Do you have to root cutting inside under a light? e.g CFL or LED? I tried a while ago outside in a small container with holes but they didnt root, oddly enough they didnt die tho, if you can root them outside can someone please give me some pointers? cheers
Another great way that works fast is to take your cuts, use a razor blade and cut into the stem where you originally cut it and make a cross about a cm deep to open up more area for roots to grow from. Dip the clone in rooting gel and then dip it in Great White Mycorrhizae and then put into your rockwool cube/rooter plug or whatever youre using that has been pre soaked in a mild nutrient solution. I like use Clonex nutrient solution in the water that I soak the rockwool cubes in, but you just dip the cubes in the water solution real quick as you don't want them to be super water logged. Put in your tray with a dome and mist 3x a day and youll have mad roots in 8-10 days everytime :) and of course make sure your temps are good!


Active Member
I simply split the end of the stems before i dip in clonex, then put them straight into these special fiber cubes (disks that grow into cylindershaped cubes). Put them in a dome with a 30W heatingmat and a t5 above. Then mist 3-5 times a day. After about a week roots grow out the sides and I put them in small cups of soil. Obviously I grow in soil.

My strains are white widow and white russian. Prett much kill about one or two in 30 clones. Most important is to always take plenty, then pick the best ones when potting for veg

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Well-Known Member
When someone comes to me wondering why they suck at cloning, it usually ends up being a temperature problem.
Make sure the inside of box stays between 80F-85F
And/or, if using some sort of cube to root in: make sure they remain slightly warm to the touch.(not hot, not cold)
^^^If using a humidome^^^ I get 100% in my daisy cloner at 72F. When someone comes to me wondering why they suck at cloning I tell them to go aeroponic :-)


Well-Known Member
Why does every body mist their clones when In a dome ?there is already lots of humidity in the dome.i tape mine shut for a couple of days...


Well-Known Member
What if I don't have any cloning problems? Would it still be the best money I spend, If I buy one(or about ten of them)? :bigjoint:
then you wouldn't be a person seeking solutions to cloning problems and it probably wouldn't apply to you....nor would this particular thread

This is a rooted popsicle stick. Rooted under a humidome:
View attachment 3294825
what is it about cubers that makes them get personally offended anytime someone brings up aeroponic cloners? Most aero folks started as cubers, but few cubers started as aero folks. The proof is in the pudding pop-stick - I didn't root one, but I did get to this point in 10 days with just Ph'd tap water.....



Well-Known Member
If you like free plants.
Free? Compared to the cost of a cube or plug? No biggie to me.
I have plenty of friends using them cloners. It's good. What ever's clever;-)

I built my first aero cloner about 15+ years ago. Ran into root issues(slime),and said fuck that shit! I went back to the way i been doing it since 1991. 99% success rate(that is to account for the one here and there, that I break), and usually fully rooted within 10days. Temperature is a huge factor.


Well-Known Member
Free? Compared to the cost of a cube or plug? No biggie to me.
I have plenty of friends using them cloners. It's good. What ever's clever;-)

I built my first aero cloner about 15+ years ago. Ran into root issues(slime),and said fuck that shit! I went back to the way i been doing it since 1991. 99% success rate(that is to account for the one here and there, that I break), and usually fully rooted within 10days. Temperature is a huge factor.
if you go for 80-85 with aero you'll slime the shit out of it....same if you use a lot of hormones but don't change the water. cubes yielded algae and plants that were behind aero rooted plants for me.