Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You know, if I ever caught my old man peeping on my girl, I'd fuck him up.they'd look at him in his coffin and say"DAMN!"
In the wall directly across from my bed, like if I was sitting up in bed I'd be looking at it. The reason I never noticed it was because the entire wall was collaged, covered in pics and quotes and poems and letters and post it notes and EVERYTHING.

One of my brothers showed it to me. Walked me into the room on the otherside of the wall and showed me that he could look right in on me.

I was very freaked out.


Well-Known Member
You know, if I ever caught my old man peeping on my girl, I'd fuck him up.they'd look at him in his coffin and say"DAMN!"
I'm sure my mom would have. I never mentioned it. I just covered the hole and tried to forget about it.

My mom DID sock the shit out of him once over me. When I was younger and smaller he liked to get too....enthusiastic about disciplining us. Once I thought he'd broken my wrist. When he left I called my mom all hysterical, crying that my wrist was broken and hurt and just bawling (in my defense, I was like 11 at the time).

When I told her what he did to me she drove to his where he worked, went up to him in the middle of his work, with people all around, and punched him in the face. I don't remember what she screamed, but it was a lot, and it was loud.

time to repress another memory.

.....what memory?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Good.he Needed it.An ass paddling is one thing...I got those, but you don't injure them.
I'm sure my mom would have. I never mentioned it. I just covered the hole and tried to forget about it.

My mom DID sock the shit out of him once over me. When I was younger and smaller he liked to get too....enthusiastic about disciplining us. Once I thought he'd broken my wrist. When he left I called my mom all hysterical, crying that my wrist was broken and hurt and just bawling (in my defense, I was like 11 at the time).

When I told her what he did to me she drove to his where he worked, went up to him in the middle of his work, with people all around, and punched him in the face. I don't remember what she screamed, but it was a lot, and it was loud.


.....what memory?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure my mom would have. I never mentioned it. I just covered the hole and tried to forget about it.

My mom DID sock the shit out of him once over me. When I was younger and smaller he liked to get too....enthusiastic about disciplining us. Once I thought he'd broken my wrist. When he left I called my mom all hysterical, crying that my wrist was broken and hurt and just bawling (in my defense, I was like 11 at the time).

When I told her what he did to me she drove to his where he worked, went up to him in the middle of his work, with people all around, and punched him in the face. I don't remember what she screamed, but it was a lot, and it was loud.


.....what memory?
good shit. what goes around comes around
karmas a bitch


Well-Known Member
Good.he Needed it.An ass paddling is one thing...I got those, but you don't injure them.
I totally agree, spanking never killed anyone. My mom would whup our asses if we misbehaved. She'd break out a belt, and we'd get a set number of hits. And she never hit us when she was really mad, she always ranted and raved and calmed down first.

But my step dad liked to hit with closed fists. She didn't know cuz she was at work, and we didn't say anything because we assumed she knew. Cuz she was our mom and she knew everything, lol.

It was a pretty earth shattering revelation when I was a kid and discovered that my mom was only human.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Ever gotten the willow switch?Zooooweeee those hurt!
I totally agree, spanking never killed anyone. My mom would whup our asses if we misbehaved. She'd break out a belt, and we'd get a set number of hits. And she never hit us when she was really mad, she always ranted and raved and calmed down first.

But my step dad liked to hit with closed fists. She didn't know cuz she was at work, and we didn't say anything because we assumed she knew. Cuz she was our mom and she knew everything, lol.

It was a pretty earth shattering revelation when I was a kid and discovered that my mom was only human.


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies. I have a question. I have been dating this girl for like a year and things are not that great. We fight alot and honestly I dont think relationships should be this much work. It should not be a source of stress I have enough of that in the rest of my life, work, bills etc. Anyhow I have been thinking about taking a job about 4000 miles away. I have not even said anything to her about because it will not go over well and im not looking forward to the conversation. I guess at the end of the day I dont love her even though I tell her I do. I know its wrong but what can I say its just easier that way. I dont want to break her heart but I dont see it going any other way. Oh and to top it all off we work together. I know I know huge mistake but its done. So now to the question.... What do you think would be the best way to break it to her? I know I want to have a new start when I move and dont want to lead her on and give her the impreshin that some day (like in december when she finishes school) she could also move to the new town and we could live happier ever after. This sucks no mater what happens I will be an asshole in her eyes and I guess shes right.


Well-Known Member
Rock & a hard spot man... Just lay out the facts..if you bullshit or'll be on you in everyones eyes..come honest and ...jump...
Good luck...thats a hard place to be at................ :o


Well-Known Member
Thanks I know that I need to be honest with her I dont want to just be gone one day. Could you imagine the look on her face when she didnt hear from me for a few days and comes to my house to see if im alive and finds that I rented it out to a nice family yikes!!!


Active Member
Wow, poor guy.... This is just my 2 cents, take it as you will.

There is a middle ground here I think your missing. I believe when ending a relationship, you should try to be nice. The feeling are uncomfertable enough, there is no need to add fuel to the fire. But you really have to break it off, no going back for sex or a second chance with my theory... When you done, you only have an obligation for a certain amount of truth. As long as its nothing fucked up like your leaving her for someone else or something like that, it's ok to with hold things to save someone feelings. Maybe try something like... "We fight way too much, I'm not happy in our relationship. I do care for you, but this is so draining its causing more resentments than happiness and I want to end it before we hate each other. I'v had a job offer that I really want, and I'v decided thats where I want to be. Sorry."

I know things are never that easy, but if you can see where I'm going with that, just stick to your guns. The chips are going to fell where they may. If you work together, that's nothing wrong with making a plan. If you don't live together, that makes it even easier. Put your notice in on your job, and ask it to be kept confidencial. On your last Friday of work, break it off that night. It's not being evil, its self perservation. Do your best not to hurt others while watching out for yourself. But if you make a plan, be prepared to stick to it.

Best of luck!!



Well-Known Member
What you need to do is put yourself in her shoes. Look at this from her perspective. Then maybe you will be able to handle this situation with more compassion. Either way, you know your done. Now you just need to find the most gentle way in telling her....Just try to look at this through her eyes, and think about how you would feel...then handle her kindly.


Well-Known Member
"We fight way too much, I'm not happy in our relationship. I do care for you, but this is so draining its causing more resentments than happiness and I want to end it before we hate each other. I'v had a job offer that I really want, and I'v decided thats where I want to be. Sorry."

I have said that exact thing well it was more of a "this needs to change or it wont work" thing. its was uncanny were you here? well that and i didnt say anything about the job yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies. I have a question. I have been dating this girl for like a year and things are not that great. We fight alot and honestly I dont think relationships should be this much work. It should not be a source of stress I have enough of that in the rest of my life, work, bills etc. Anyhow I have been thinking about taking a job about 4000 miles away. I have not even said anything to her about because it will not go over well and im not looking forward to the conversation. I guess at the end of the day I dont love her even though I tell her I do. I know its wrong but what can I say its just easier that way. I dont want to break her heart but I dont see it going any other way. Oh and to top it all off we work together. I know I know huge mistake but its done. So now to the question.... What do you think would be the best way to break it to her? I know I want to have a new start when I move and dont want to lead her on and give her the impreshin that some day (like in december when she finishes school) she could also move to the new town and we could live happier ever after. This sucks no mater what happens I will be an asshole in her eyes and I guess shes right.

I would say "Betty" (we will call her Betty.. ) Betty , you are not what I am looking for , You and I are through, Get your shit and get the fuck out ... Have a great day ... BYE

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Tell her the truth.There isn't a pretty way to do this.Make sure all your shit is packed when you tell her.
Ok ladies. I have a question. I have been dating this girl for like a year and things are not that great. We fight alot and honestly I dont think relationships should be this much work. It should not be a source of stress I have enough of that in the rest of my life, work, bills etc. Anyhow I have been thinking about taking a job about 4000 miles away. I have not even said anything to her about because it will not go over well and im not looking forward to the conversation. I guess at the end of the day I dont love her even though I tell her I do. I know its wrong but what can I say its just easier that way. I dont want to break her heart but I dont see it going any other way. Oh and to top it all off we work together. I know I know huge mistake but its done. So now to the question.... What do you think would be the best way to break it to her? I know I want to have a new start when I move and dont want to lead her on and give her the impreshin that some day (like in december when she finishes school) she could also move to the new town and we could live happier ever after. This sucks no mater what happens I will be an asshole in her eyes and I guess shes right.


Well-Known Member
we dont live together. Ive made that mistake in the past. I said a long time ago I would only live with a woman if she was my wife.
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