How Cannabinoids Can Save More Lives Than They Already Do


Well-Known Member
My brother died from Brain Swelling due to Traumatic brain injury, and while I was in the hospital I was looking online through some research they have done in Israel regarding Cannabinoids. I had found a Cannabinoid called "2-AG" and tons of articles on it, and from what I was reading it said that if we got Cannabinoids in my brother blood stream, it would have reversed the brain swelling and possibly even protected his brain.

When he died, what happened was his brain kept swelling until all the wrinkles were gone, it was just a flat ball, like a balloon, and it was getting scratched by a gap that is near your spine, usually your brain doesn't touch it, but it was swelling and filling the hole and causing problems. He was only 10 years old.

I showed the doctors the research from Israel, and they told me that it would probably work (this was before he died), but they said they were not going to put hash in his feeding tube, they would only give him 2-AG since that is what was in the articles, and it had to be pure so they could inject it, like they did in the articles.

I had no idea where to get any 2-AG, so we called Dr. Shakleford and asked if he could give my little brother a prescription, because he was about to die. And Dr. Shakleford said that Cannabis could slow his heart and kill him, so he was not willing to do it. But now he is dead, so I wish he would have at least tried.

Since then I have discovered how to make 2-AG myself, as well as a few other things.

2-AG is an Ester, so this means it is formed by having a Carboxylic acid and an Alcohol in the presence of each other, if a strong acid is present the reaction will happen faster.

Glycerine can be bought at the store (Wal Mart, etc) and it is the first ingredient, it is also an alcohol. So now all you need is a Carboxylic acid. Arachindonic Acid is the Carboxylic acid you need. So put Glycerine and Arachindonic acid together and apply heat, eventually all the molecules will come together to form 2-AG.

And if you want the reaction to happen faster, you add Sulfuric or acetic acid. And the end result is 2-AG. Filter to get out any leftover precursors, and add a little baking soda to counteract the acid. And you have some 2-AG.


Well-Known Member
A Peptide bond is when you take 2 or more Amino Acids and put them together, then Apply heat. An example is Picamilon, where you use GABA and Niacin, those 2 Amino Acids together in water, then boiled, will create Picamilon. If you take normal GABA most of it breaks down in your stomach and doesn't ever make it to your brain. Picamilon allows the GABA molecule to be protected in the stomach and make it all the way to the brain. This allows is to be MUCH more effective than regular GABA, and the Niacin goes in to the brain to promote blood flow and helps with Migranes.

So that is a peptide bond, it is simply made by boiling 2 amino acids together, and it changes the ability of the different Amino Acids that it started with.

The Ester mentioned before, 2-AG, is also formed by boiling, but instead of 2 Amino Acids, you boil an Alcohol structure with a Carboxylic Acid structure.

Knowing how to make both Esters and Peptide bonds, that gives us something else. We could do something like boil GABA and Niacin together, then boil the resulting Picamilon in Glycerine. This would create a Picamilon Ester.

Also, we could do something like boil Arachidonic acid in Glycerine, then taking the resulting 2-AG and boil that with Niacin. Possibly creating a structure that has the ability to work when eaten in pill form, instead of only being able to be injected like 2-AG.

There are also other Peptide Bonds like Glutamate Salts, and other Amino Acids like Glycine and 5-HTP could be used to create Peptide bonds that hit different receptors in the brain. Then there are things like "Opiod Food Peptides" and "Opioid Peptides" in general. These are not illegal because they are not similar in structure to morphine, but they go to the same places in the brain as morphine. Examples of food that contain these are Milk & Spinach.

I see no reason why dispensaries and medical Marijuana users should not be working to make their medicine as good as it possibly can be. So, I am going to make a list of things that every Dispensary or Marijuana Lab should have eventually, so that we can start making some awesome discoveries (These things can also be used to invent new smells)

Ethanol/Pure Drinking Alcohol
Absorbic Acid/Vitamin C
Tartaric Acid
Malic Acid
Edible Lime/Calcium Hydroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Activated Charcoal
Isopropyl Alcohol
Benzoic Acid
Baking Soda
Socium Chloride/Table Sale
Sodium Benzoate
Mineral Oil
Citric Acid


Well-Known Member
My brother died from Brain Swelling due to Traumatic brain injury, and while I was in the hospital I was looking online through some research they have done in Israel regarding Cannabinoids. I had found a Cannabinoid called "2-AG" and tons of articles on it, and from what I was reading it said that if we got Cannabinoids in my brother blood stream, it would have reversed the brain swelling and possibly even protected his brain.

When he died, what happened was his brain kept swelling until all the wrinkles were gone, it was just a flat ball, like a balloon, and it was getting scratched by a gap that is near your spine, usually your brain doesn't touch it, but it was swelling and filling the hole and causing problems. He was only 10 years old.

I showed the doctors the research from Israel, and they told me that it would probably work (this was before he died), but they said they were not going to put hash in his feeding tube, they would only give him 2-AG since that is what was in the articles, and it had to be pure so they could inject it, like they did in the articles.

I had no idea where to get any 2-AG, so we called Dr. Shakleford and asked if he could give my little brother a prescription, because he was about to die. And Dr. Shakleford said that Cannabis could slow his heart and kill him, so he was not willing to do it. But now he is dead, so I wish he would have at least tried.

Since then I have discovered how to make 2-AG myself, as well as a few other things.

2-AG is an Ester, so this means it is formed by having a Carboxylic acid and an Alcohol in the presence of each other, if a strong acid is present the reaction will happen faster.

Glycerine can be bought at the store (Wal Mart, etc) and it is the first ingredient, it is also an alcohol. So now all you need is a Carboxylic acid. Arachindonic Acid is the Carboxylic acid you need. So put Glycerine and Arachindonic acid together and apply heat, eventually all the molecules will come together to form 2-AG.

And if you want the reaction to happen faster, you add Sulfuric or acetic acid. And the end result is 2-AG. Filter to get out any leftover precursors, and add a little baking soda to counteract the acid. And you have some 2-AG.

i thought your brother died from eating peanuts


Well-Known Member
yeah a=its on all the forums he is on

he tried to mooch bitcoins off of people
LOL. This guy is lying, or has no idea what he is talking about. I have never asked anyone for money. They say the same thing about Bitcoin town, which I also never asked anyone to fund (I already started the farm part though, I am breeding plants now). They also tried to claim that I asked my stepdad for a bribe. The only time I "asked for money" online is when I made a patreon and told people they could give money if they wanted, even then I never asked anyone for money, I just shared a link.


Well-Known Member
"Opiod Peptides": when most people think of Opiates, they think of Heroine and Morphine and Oxycontin and Vicodin, but that is not a good representation of Opiates over all. For example, Pepperment contains Menthol, and Menthol is a Kappa Opiod Receptor Agonist, meaning, it attaches to your Opiate receptors. So if you know what the flavor "Peppermint" is, you have done an Opiate.

And as mentioned before, Spinach and Milk both contain Opiod peptides. Opiod Peptides can also be found in the brain and spine of cows, as well as the milk of cows and humans. Examples are Rubiscolin, Casein and Casomorphin. Just like Cannabinoids, Opiate Peptides can have Amino Acids added to them, or be made into their Ester forms.

Here are some plants that contain Opiates that are not illegal.

Red Clover
Ugni Molinae
Casearia Sylvestris
Pachyptera Hymenaea
Prickly Poppy
Adrenorphin (Cow Brain)
Deltorphin (Waxy Leaf Frog)
Dermorphin (Waxy Leaf Frog)
Chaste Tree
Black Kohosh
Laurelia Novae-Zelandiae
Salvia Leriifolia
Salvia Divinorum (Illegal in some places, also very active on other receptors)
Tabernaemontana Pachysiphon
Irvingia Gabonesis
Dalea Purpurea
Nigella Sativa Seed
Sophora Subprostata
Picralima Nitida
Chocolate (Reports say that Chocolate makes other Opiods stronger)
Yellow Horned Poppy
Crydalis Yanhusuo
Spinorphin (Cow Spine)
D-Phenylalanine (Enkephalinas Inhibitor)
Oriental Poppy
Marijuana (CBD is an Opiod)

Each one of these has the potential to create an entire new class of Opiods. And they are not illegal. Only Opiods that have structures similar to Schedule I Opiods are illegal. These are all just Painkillers and Feel Good Medicine, and could create entire new things that the world has never seen before. I see no reason that these couldn't be normal over the counter, there are already Opiod Peptides that can be bought over the counter for migranes. And I am not suggesting to this for anyone for abuse. Again, I want to point out that Peppermint and other things that you probably have in your house are on the list, they are just not the same as Morphine or Hydrocodone or Oxycontin, and none of them need to be. This is how Bayer and Tylenol started as companies, they just synthesized some stuff and gave it out as supplements and remedies for headaches and stuff.

Ethanol/Pure Drinking Alcohol
Absorbic Acid/Vitamin C
Tartaric Acid
Malic Acid
Edible Lime/Calcium Hydroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Activated Charcoal
Isopropyl Alcohol
Benzoic Acid
Baking Soda
Socium Chloride/Table Sale
Sodium Benzoate
Mineral Oil
Citric Acid