ghb - this is how i grow


Well-Known Member
good to see you doing what you can to help, i'd be doingthe exact same thing in your situation. i too am a firm believer that weed has some powerful medicinal properties.

it's a shame more people don't know just what it is capable of, it can give people a new lease of life that manufactured chemicals can't. i'm honestly starting to think that the government don't want us to be able to make ourselves feel better with something that we can produce ourselves, independence scares them.


Well-Known Member
I would think myself less than human if I didn't do whatever I could to help them
it a devastating affliction to have. I've been growing indoors for 3 years now and I've
learned more in the last 4 mos. with you guys than in the preceding years, I thank you for
The coir seems to be working well with the auto's I'm getting great growth in 3 weeks they'e
about 14" and loaded with flowers I had to move the lights up a couple feet to accommodate
the stretch. When I'm done how long do I dose with hygrozyme before I replant?


Well-Known Member
thanks sae

i wonder what that post signifies ?:shock:

we shall see in the coming months:weed:


Well-Known Member
i have a pretty good idea lol

the mods are very anti community on here so we have to talk in code, sad but true


Well-Known Member
hypothetically speaking i think i may have just acquired some new genetics ;)

uk clone only strain Gringo (exodus cheeseXmexican haze) never knowingly seen or smoked it so it's something to look forward to.

i have a tonne of new stuff i will be trying out next year, can't wait!.


Well-Known Member
hypothetically speaking i think i may have just acquired some new genetics ;)

uk clone only strain Gringo (exodus cheeseXmexican haze) never knowingly seen or smoked it so it's something to look forward to.

i have a tonne of new stuff i will be trying out next year, can't wait!.
That might be interesting if it were real.


Well-Known Member
here is a prime example of the bullshit the mods on this site get up to.

saerimmer who has been a member of this site as long as i have has been banned, outright ip address ban.
they are going over our posts, the same way a police officer would scouring information and putting together a little story in their heads of what they think we are up to.

whoever it was who made the final decision i really do think you are lower than low! is it nice to be legal? to be able to go to your local shop and buy buds, clones and grow equipment without the fear of being incarcerated for growing and helping others grow medicine?!.

the words escape me, i'm furious at the site owners for the way they treat the people who are earning them money ( yes more hits = more ad revenue) this is not 2006, this is not over grow and you are most certainly not going to be shut down by the fbi for people talking about sharing genetics.

if this site is not for the cannabis community who is it for?


Well-Known Member
So much for freedom of speech aye?
They should question their own motives in this issue,
whom are they truly protecting themselves or the philosophy
of fascists looking to project control over the way free people


Well-Known Member
the funny thing is i regularly make posts about guns and making bombs to use on civilian targets, not had a warning about that yet, i called one of the mods gay and he tried to ban me, oh the irony of ignorance.

let's face it i'll probably be at odds with society for the rest of my life, still i can hope that one day we live in a world where people understand others perspectives.


Well-Known Member
nearing the end of this grow, it's definately the end for this big haze plant, she has been unhappy for weeks and gradually getting worse. she is getting harvested next week and the rest will be left til the full moon at around the 5th of december.



New Member
here is a prime example of the bullshit the mods on this site get up to.

saerimmer who has been a member of this site as long as i have has been banned, outright ip address ban.
they are going over our posts, the same way a police officer would scouring information and putting together a little story in their heads of what they think we are up to.

whoever it was who made the final decision i really do think you are lower than low! is it nice to be legal? to be able to go to your local shop and buy buds, clones and grow equipment without the fear of being incarcerated for growing and helping others grow medicine?!.

the words escape me, i'm furious at the site owners for the way they treat the people who are earning them money ( yes more hits = more ad revenue) this is not 2006, this is not over grow and you are most certainly not going to be shut down by the fbi for people talking about sharing genetics.

if this site is not for the cannabis community who is it for?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Well-Known Member
pg 1 requested constructive criticism..

..I've been growing non mj plants my whole life.. started really growing MJ plants in 2001 (chucked a few seeds in the 90's, but..)

Your plants really don't need all those bottles of nutrients man.. I promise you.. All you need is one or two bottles to give your plants MORE than they need + a ;litte extra to perform a little better.

Just throwing money out the door.

I mean this with the most respect, not to start a fight.. Just try it out sometime man.. save yourself a LOAD of money.

Right now I'm using this stuff called SaferGro Orchid 30-10-10.. it was $6 for a 2lb canister. Costs less than 1/2cent per gallon to feed my plants. suuuper cheap... plants love it..
I've used tons of other cheap nutes.. they do JUST fine. I promise you. Expensive does not equal quality. nope.. Those companies have to use cheaper chems to make up for the expensive marketing campaigns.. to get people to spend so much on completely unneccessary stuff.. and it works.

All those bottles and $$.. it is just marketing man. Business men/women preying on people who are not quite "botanists" but got into the hobby to grow MJ.. they are taking advantage of you.

And yes, I have tried many of these additives and nutrient lines..

If you were a mechanic and you had advice on parts that I should not be overspending on.. like say you told me that synthetic oil is scam.. I would listen. Listen to me, please. Don't feed the crooked business that is MJ Ferts..
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