Unlimited Energy


Well-Known Member
Unfortunetly I pulled up wikipedia when I searched for spirit and a bunch of other "christian" websites. But the first thing on wikipedia it says "The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin "spiritus" (breath).


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that the bible shouldn't hold relevance to you, the only reason I brought up the bible was because supposedly this woman is doing this to show that we are essentially just a spirit that can live off of only the light of god.
I'm sorry rev3la7ion but those terms light of God and spirit have an esoteric meaning that you probably don't understand. She doesn't do it to prove anything. She does it because she doesn't have to eat. There are yogis in the Himalayas that don't ever sleep. It has to do with your state of consciousness. This is something that probably doesn't make sense to you. But I will try to enlighten you a little.

When you go to sleep, whether you believe it or agree with me or not, you let go of you identification with your physical body. That is when your subconscious mind comes in (during dreams) It is possible to be conscious during dreams (lucid dreams). Though the vast majority of your sleep has nothing to do with dreams. You are just in emptiness and you don't know it. That is the period where you get all of your rejuvinating and revitalizing energy. It is important. If you don't sleep you will die. The woman has transcended her normal waking consciousness and is living on much higher plane of consciousness. This higher consciousness is called many things (salvation, christ consciousness, nirvana) it is all the same thing. All religions refer to a higher plane of existence that is possible for mankind. She isn't proving anything to anyone she just does it because it's silly to live off of bread and water if you don't need to. Paramhansa just got a photograph with her. He has one with Ghandi as well. The caption is misleading and I don't know why it says that. One of the rules of spiritual growth is that you discuss your growth with no one except your guru or maybe others in your class.
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Well-Known Member
If you have read the entire Bible, studied it, spoken about it with firsthand experience, preached its entire message, then I guess you have the right to say what it is about. But you probably have never done those things, so I beg that you don't devalue the content of the Bible to just a how to on relationships.

I am not a "Christian." Your small perception keeps labeling me as such. Jesus was not a Christian and never intended to start his own religion. If you would stop spewing lies and read the damn book you would realize this. I'm sorry for my tone but it's your inability to begin to search for Truth that has you unbelieving. It is your path and Journey and I sit in judgment on no man. But you know about as much about the Bible as I do about quantum physics. So say what you know about the Bible. Don't spew lies or misnomers about it.
I'm sorry but I'm not labeling you as a christian. I never claimed you to be one either. But I beg to differ as far as reading and understanding the bible. I used to be a hardcore christian who did study the bible and would openly debate it with all kinds of people. And I will tell you this, the bible is essentially a how to on relationships. That's the WHOLE message of the bible. The replication of a Godly relationship in your life as it was in Jesus' with his father. That IS the major point. The other things the bible delves into is morality, ethics, philosophy, and the purpose of life. To think any differently is to miss the point of what the bible is trying to say.

Either way, what lies am I spewing? I don't see where I've been lying. If you could point this out then I would try to rectify the issue.

What was your source?
My source was dictionary.com
That was literally every definition they had there.

Unfortunetly I pulled up wikipedia when I searched for spirit and a bunch of other "christian" websites. But the first thing on wikipedia it says "The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin "spiritus" (breath).
The original translation in latin may have meant breath but that's not what it means in the english language. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't referring to a persons 'breath' but the 'breath of life'. Two completely different things.

I'm sorry rev3la7ion but those terms light of God and spirit have an esoteric meaning that you probably don't understand. She doesn't do it to prove anything. She does it because she doesn't have to eat. There are yogis in the Himalayas that don't ever sleep. It has to do with your state of consciousness. This is something that probably doesn't make sense to you. But I will try to enlighten you a little.

When you go to sleep, whether you believe it or agree with me or not, you let go of you identification with your physical body. That is when your subconscious mind comes in (during dreams) It is possible to be conscious during dreams (lucid dreams). Though the vast majority of your sleep has nothing to do with dreams. You are just in emptiness and you don't know it. That is the period where you get all of your rejuvinating and revitalizing energy. It is important. If you don't sleep you will die. The woman has transcended her normal waking consciousness and is living on much higher plane of consciousness. This higher consciousness is called many things (salvation, christ consciousness, nirvana) it is all the same thing. All religions refer to a higher plane of existence that is possible for mankind. She isn't proving anything to anyone she just does it because it's silly to live off of bread and water if you don't need to. Paramhansa just got a photograph with her. He has one with Ghandi as well. The caption is misleading and I don't know why it says that. One of the rules of spiritual growth is that you discuss your growth with no one except your guru or maybe others in your class.
I know the esoteric meaning of drawing energy from the light of god alone. But what was said was:

Original poster said:
She was strictly commanded by her guru to never divulge the secret technique she learned from her guru. The reason she is setting this example is to prove that man is spirit in truth, and to prove that man can live by the Eternal Light of God.
I don't care how you look at it but she is out to prove something by "setting this example". And the thing she is trying to prove is, "that man can live by the Eternal Light of God". I'm not lying, misrepresenting quotes, or anything.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to call you a liar, that was uncalled for and I apologize. I don't know why I said that to be honest. There are esoteric teachings in the Bible that you cannot understand at first glance. Like I said Jesus was at least 30 when he started to teach his ministry. But even his apostles didn't understand what he meant when he taught.

Jesus said:
"I and the Father are One." John 10:30
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me you will know the father also." John 14:6-7

The are examples of the personal relationship with God that Jesus had. This is the union or he wanted to teach everyone else was possible.

Yoga means union. I guess that is the most important relationship possible in this life. The most beautiful human relationship is the Mother/child relationship. This is true in most of nature as well. I totally misunderstood what your generalization and I apologize.

Jesus commanded that men love each other like he loved him: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35

That's the only thing needed in a relationship, all relationships. Considering the fact that daily life involves relationships of all kinds and depends on them I don't see why the Bible wouldn't speak about relationships.

I actually don't know the reason for my post this time, except for to apologize for what I had said earlier. I hope you forgive me for my error.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that you remember that Jesus told everyone that he healed not to tell anyone else but they wouldn't listen.

Sight, touch, hearing, smelling, tasting are the only sensations that the human body has to analyze and interpret data. We only see in a specific light range, we can only hear a certain vibratory range, we can't taste air, we can only withstand so much sensation. This doesn't mean that other things don't exist there are infrared rays, x rays, sound decibles we can't hear. So the truth exists whether or not it can be proven to your senses. Do you see what I am trying to tell you here? The Christian Idea of God is quiet limited (he is Almighty and Loving but jelous of idols to false gods that don't even exist). This is not fault of the Bible, there is still Truth in the Bible. It is the fault of the interpretation. It is your rigid belief structures that filters out truth.

To know God doesn't take an analysis. It takes a direct perception. Otherwise called intuition. It is to know or experience God directly. The Bible as much as I have seen tries to tell you how. If you read the very first part of Mark it says "As it is written in the Prophets: 'Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You." "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.'"

This along with John 3:13-14 speaks an enormous truth that I don't think American Christianity can even comprehend. If you are interested I will give you my interpretation.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that a person can actually hear the blood running thru their body . I am a graduate of an audio engineering course. In that they taught us of an isometric chamber I believe it's called. it's like a super recording booth 1-2 miles under ground used to quite or block all other sounds. It's so quite in there that they say you can damage your hearing just by talking. The hairs in our ears are very sensitive and they kinda work relative to the decibel level around them. So in this way you can actually hear every little function your body is making, you crack a knuckle and the pop is incredibly loud but you also hear the actually bursting of tiny air bubbles inside.

I guess I just wanted to put it out there that even with the senses we do have and can use we often are not consciously "picking it all up" Right now your ears are still hearing all the quite stuff subconsciously you just can't perceive it cause all the other noise around us. I wonder how this applies to the other senses? I'm not sure now why I posted that but it kinda relates to this thread/truth/learning.
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Well-Known Member
That's pretty neat. I have heard that the silence between your breath and a thought is where Truth reveals herself.


Well-Known Member
probably why I somtimes feel better when I'm not breathing. If I'm meditating or deep on a thought I'll often catch myself holding my breath, never to the point I actually gasp for air or anything.


Well-Known Member
spontaneous suspension of breath...
that's because your not doing anything that requires movement so you're not wasting as much energy...so you don't need as much oxygen..
I've noticed that I can breathe in much deeper when I'm meditating as opposed to the shallow half breaths I take during regular waking consciousness.

I believe that thoughts and breathes are interrelated. That's why Buddhist teach to just watch the breath. Eventually you'll reach a stillness where no thought can enter.