how often do you shower


Active Member
i have to shower every day especially during the summer. i hate the dirty feeling and humidity sucks around here so you get sticky.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever poop in the shower? My dad has a disgusting pic of me in the tub as a baby playing with my own floater lol. Guess I thought it was a toy boat, organic toy boat.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Shower twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Nothing like being squeaky clean when you crawl into bed. Also I think the hot steamy water helps me relax and fall asleep quickly.

Brush my teeth 3 times a day and floss them once at bedtime.

LOL... of course the exception to this is when camping.... perfectly normal to go a couple days between showers when camping.... HOWEVER.... brushing teeth daily is still a must :D

For those of you who do not shower at least once per day.... I'm curious..... do you have a significant other? I would never date a man who didn't shower and brush teeth daily. I know I'm not alone either..... I know a lot of people (both genders) who have ended relationships because of their sig. other's poor hygiene.


Well-Known Member
I once went 24 days without a shower (iraq) and thats sweating all day in the dust............once didn't change my socks for 14 days........I had to throw them away because they were rock hard and rank lol...............been without a shower for more 10 days a few times, after about 4 days you don't really get any worse, stay the same rank but doesn't get worse


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever poop in the shower? My dad has a disgusting pic of me in the tub as a baby playing with my own floater lol. Guess I thought it was a toy boat, organic toy boat.
oh come on!
he prob didnt want to take it away from you because he couldnt replace it with something better!


Well-Known Member
Shower twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Nothing like being squeaky clean when you crawl into bed. Also I think the hot steamy water helps me relax and fall asleep quickly.

Brush my teeth 3 times a day and floss them once at bedtime.

LOL... of course the exception to this is when camping.... perfectly normal to go a couple days between showers when camping.... HOWEVER.... brushing teeth daily is still a must :D

For those of you who do not shower at least once per day.... I'm curious..... do you have a significant other? I would never date a man who didn't shower and brush teeth daily. I know I'm not alone either..... I know a lot of people (both genders) who have ended relationships because of their sig. other's poor hygiene.
i have a fiance but i dont tdll hrer how infrequently i shower i pretend like i do i usually wash my balls everyday with a rag and some saop and water

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i have a fiance but i dont tdll hrer how infrequently i shower i pretend like i do i usually wash my balls everyday with a rag and some saop and water

I take it you don't live with her? Or maybe you do and you just run the water and pretend to shower??

LOL... I think you are gonna catch hell when she catches on. Be prepared for a fight.... and more frequent showers :mrgreen: