Asking someone if they grow?


New Member
All this time I thought my hooks have been simply buying weed from med shops and flipping them. Now I'm pretty sure they've just been growing their own stuff and ripping me off.

Is it stupid to ask a couple of my previous dealers if they grow and see if they'd give a clone or something?

I mean how do people generally react about sharing strains? It's just so simple to take a small cutting but would they give it?


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing they will sell you one or say no. Probably won't give you one if they have been selling to you. But it can't hurt to ask, assuming you are okay with them knowing you are growing.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
All this time I thought my hooks have been simply buying weed from med shops and flipping them. Now I'm pretty sure they've just been growing their own stuff and ripping me off.

Is it stupid to ask a couple of my previous dealers if they grow and see if they'd give a clone or something?

I mean how do people generally react about sharing strains? It's just so simple to take a small cutting but would they give it?
The first rule of growing is to never tell anyone. If you ask a grower if he grows and he says yes he broke the rule. By asking for a clone they now know your growing. You broke the rule too.

Joven Agricultor

Well-Known Member
Ripping you off how. I used to hate how much I pay for weed I still pay a shitload because I haven't harvested yet, however.....

Since I started growing and have put about $3k, and 3 months of hours a day, caring for, loving, training, watering, feeding, cleaning up after, etc for my ladies. I will gladly pay $50 an eighth for some bomb, I'd rather get it cheaper, but I now see what goes into it. I appreciate the cost of weed now and have no problem paying a high price for fine herb ( until I harvest of coarse ). However, I won't pay 10 a g for some bulshit. Fine weed takes time, patience love, money, strict schedules..... When I pay a high price for fine weed I am not getting ripped off, I am getting what I paid for.
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Well-Known Member
All this time I thought my hooks have been simply buying weed from med shops and flipping them. Now I'm pretty sure they've just been growing their own stuff and ripping me off.

How is it a rip off? If you agreed to pay them a price, then what they paid for it or how they get it is none of your business.

This is probably why the didn't tell you, because they knew you would expect them to hook you up while they did all the work and took all the risk.

And no, you don't ask people if they grow. They tell you if they want you to know, otherwise they will just lie to you to protect themselves anyway.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
All this time I thought my hooks have been simply buying weed from med shops and flipping them. Now I'm pretty sure they've just been growing their own stuff and ripping me off.

Is it stupid to ask a couple of my previous dealers if they grow and see if they'd give a clone or something?

I mean how do people generally react about sharing strains? It's just so simple to take a small cutting but would they give it?
You're one of those guys that thinks the weeds not worth as much because you know who grew it,, Thats retarded!!!!don't ask for anything if you're going to make the mistake of asking for a clone at least offer to buy it...


Well-Known Member
The smart thing to do would be keep ur mouth shut buy while u have to and do ur own thing at home.
Many dealers whos customers stop buying because they now grow too have the dime dropped on them.
U shouldnt care if he grows. And u certainly dont want him to know ur even thinking about it.

Why would the guy making money off u want to help u not pay him?

Not trying to sound like a dick but seriously think about it from the other side and if u are even gonna think about growing Dont tell anyone


Well-Known Member
Toro nailed that shit.
If you take a clone from him, now he knows youre growing. Rule number 1 broken.

Personally, if someone asked me if i grew id flat out lie anyways. If i wanted a fucking partner or sidekick i would have started with one.

I dont wanna sound like a dick. But yes it is STUPID to ask your old connects if they grow. Ppl might start thinkkng youre a narc, and where im from that might get you 6ft under


The smart thing to do would be keep ur mouth shut buy while u have to and do ur own thing at home.
Many dealers whos customers stop buying because they now grow too have the dime dropped on them.
U shouldnt care if he grows. And u certainly dont want him to know ur even thinking about it.

Why would the guy making money off u want to help u not pay him?

Not trying to sound like a dick but seriously think about it from the other side and if u are even gonna think about growing Dont tell anyone
One thing I've noticed trying to teach people how to grow, or knowing others who have tried is that within let us say 6 months to a year of them starting up: they are no longer doing it. I know a few seasonal growers who get a modest harvest outside for head stash come that time of year. That's about it.

It takes quite a bit more effort to bring quality herbs to the masses.

Left On Green

New Member
It does take QUITE a bit of effort to bring quality herb to the masses, but the rewards reap themselves. :D If this is something that you truly wish to do yourself, to get started, you would need at least 500 dollars for a modest setup. That would include the light, tent, airponics, bubble stones, container, and fans for circulation. Personally i use an 8 bulb T5 florescent setup and I haven't regretted it one bit. The biggest thing you need to worry about when building your own setup, is odor control. When they bloom, they smell WONDERFUL, but not to the 5-0.

Happy Farming!

Left On Green


Well-Known Member
Toro nailed that shit.
If you take a clone from him, now he knows youre growing. Rule number 1 broken.

Personally, if someone asked me if i grew id flat out lie anyways. If i wanted a fucking partner or sidekick i would have started with one.

I dont wanna sound like a dick. But yes it is STUPID to ask your old connects if they grow. Ppl might start thinkkng youre a narc, and where im from that might get you 6ft under
who is Toro ? ;)